Discord Bot(使用C#)不执行命令

时间:2017-01-19 17:04:25

标签: c# bots discord

我写了一篇Discord Bot。它是用C#开发的。我的命令列表已填满,命令值接收此列表。但该命令在调用时不会执行代码。


public class Bot
        string token = "#######################"; // my Token

        CommandService command; // The commands holder
        EventController eventController = new EventController(); // event class
        CommandController commandController = new CommandController(); // commands class

        public Bot()
            var client = new DiscordClient(); // my client

            client = new DiscordClient(input =>
                input.LogLevel = LogSeverity.Info;
                input.LogHandler = Log;

            client.UsingCommands(input =>
                input.PrefixChar = '!';              // the prefix char to call commands
                input.AllowMentionPrefix = true;

            eventController.HandleEvents(client); // reference to events

            command = client.GetService<CommandService>();

            commandController.HandleCommands(command, client); // reference to commands

            client.ExecuteAndWait(async() =>
                while (true)
                    await client.Connect(token, TokenType.Bot);

        private void Log(object sender, LogMessageEventArgs e)

我将代码分为两个类,即eventController和commandController。 commandController是相关的。


 private List<Tuple<string, string, string>> commandList = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>(); // the List holding all commands

        public void HandleCommands(CommandService command, DiscordClient client)
            FillCommandList(); // Fill the List with the commands

            foreach (Tuple<string, string, string> tuple in commandList)
                command.CreateCommand('!' + tuple.Item1).Do(async (e) =>
                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(tuple.Item2); // Create all commands from the List

        private void Add(string commandName, string textToReturn, string commandDescription)
            commandList.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(commandName, textToReturn, commandDescription)); // Method to lower the mass of code

        private void FillCommandList()
            Add("test0", "success0", "info0"); // commands for testing
            Add("test1", "success1", "info1");
            Add("test2", "success2", "info2");
            Add("test3", "success3", "info3");

            Add("help", UseHelp(), "List all Commands"); // call the help

        private string UseHelp()
            string commandItems = "";
            foreach (Tuple<string, string, string> tuple in commandList)
                commandItems += "- !" + tuple.Item1 + " - " + tuple.Item3 + "\r\n"; // List all commands
            return commandItems;

所以当我打电话给&#34; test0&#34;或&#34; UseHelp()&#34;该命令接收字符串内容。所有5个命令都列在机器人中。但是当我在Discord中使用命令时,Bot没有回复。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


client.UsingCommands(input =>
                input.PrefixChar = '!';              // the prefix char to call commands
                input.AllowMentionPrefix = true;

现在,这个: command.CreateCommand('!' + tuple.Item1)


要修复它:只需删除'!'前面的char参数command.CreateCommand('!' + tuple.Item1)即可。通过调用!test0或其他东西测试机器人,它应该可以工作。