Akka - 更多演员的表现更差

时间:2017-01-19 14:37:42

标签: performance scala parallel-processing akka






object MCpi{
  //Declare initial values
  val numWorkers = 2
  val numIterations = 10000000

  //Declare messages that will be sent to actors
  sealed trait PiMessage
  case object Calculate extends PiMessage
  case class Work(iterations: Int) extends PiMessage
  case class Result(value: Int) extends PiMessage
  case class PiApprox(pi: Double, duration: Double)

  //Main method
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val system = ActorSystem("MCpi_System") //Create Akka system
    val master = system.actorOf(Props(new MCpi_Master(numWorkers, numIterations))) //Create Master Actor
    println("Starting Master")

    master ! Calculate //Run calculation

class MCpi_Master(numWorkers: Int, numIterations: Int) extends Actor{

  var pi: Double = _ // Store pi
  var quadSum: Int = _ //the total number of points inside the quadrant
  var numResults: Int = _ //number of results returned
  val startTime: Double = System.currentTimeMillis() //calculation start time

  //Create a group of worker actors
  val workerRouter = context.actorOf(
    Props[MCpi_Worker].withRouter(RoundRobinPool(numWorkers)), name = "workerRouter")
  val listener = context.actorOf(Props[MCpi_Listener], name = "listener")

  def receive = {
    //Tell workers to start the calculation
      //For each worker a message is sent with the number of iterations it is to perform,
      //iterations are split up between the number of workers.
    case Calculate => for(i <- 0 until numWorkers) workerRouter ! Work(numIterations / numWorkers);

      //Receive the results from the workers
        case Result(value) =>
            //Add up the total number of points in the circle from each worker
      quadSum += value
            //Total up the number of results which have been received, this should be 1 for each worker
      numResults += 1

      if(numResults == numWorkers) { //Once all results have been collected
          //Calculate pi
          pi = (4.0 * quadSum) / numIterations
          //Send the results to the listener to output
        listener ! PiApprox(pi, duration = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime)
class MCpi_Worker extends Actor {
  //Performs the calculation
  def calculatePi(iterations: Int): Int = {

    val r = scala.util.Random // Create random number generator
    var inQuadrant: Int = 0 //Store number of points within circle

    for(i <- 0 to iterations){
      //Generate random point
      val X = r.nextFloat()
      val Y = r.nextFloat()

      //Determine whether or not the point is within the circle
      if(((X * X) + (Y * Y)) < 1.0)
        inQuadrant += 1
    inQuadrant //return the number of points within the circle

  def receive = {
    //Starts the calculation then returns the result
    case Work(iterations) => sender ! Result(calculatePi(iterations))

class MCpi_Listener extends Actor{ //Recieves and prints the final result
  def receive = {
    case PiApprox(pi, duration) =>
        //Print the results
      println("\n\tPi approximation: \t\t%s\n\tCalculation time: \t%s".format(pi, duration))
        //Print to a CSV file
        val pw: FileWriter = new FileWriter("../../../..//Results/Scala_Results.csv", true)



object MCpi {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        //Define the number of iterations to perform
        val iterations = args(0).toInt;
        val resultsPath = args(1);

        //Get the current time
        val start = System.currentTimeMillis()

        // Create random number generator
        val r = scala.util.Random
        //Store number of points within circle
        var inQuadrant: Int = 0

        for(i <- 0 to iterations){
            //Generate random point
            val X = r.nextFloat()
            val Y = r.nextFloat()

            //Determine whether or not the point is within the circle
            if(((X * X) + (Y * Y)) < 1.0)
                inQuadrant += 1
        //Calculate pi
        val pi = (4.0 * inQuadrant) / iterations
        //Get the total time
        val time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
        //Output values
        println("Number of Iterations: " + iterations)
        println("Pi has been calculated as: " + pi)
        println("Total time taken: " + time + " (Milliseconds)")

        //Print to a CSV file
        val pw: FileWriter = new FileWriter(resultsPath + "/Scala_Results.csv", true)



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)



val r = scala.util.Random // Create random number generator



val r = new scala.util.Random // Create random number generator



答案 1 :(得分:5)

我认为这是一个值得深入探讨的重要问题。使用带有一些系统开销的Akka Actor系统,我希望只有当规模足够大时才能看到性能增益。我用最少的代码更改测试了你的两个版本(非akka vs akka)。正如预期的那样,无论Akka与非Akka或使用的工人数量如何,都没有达到100万或1000万次点击。但是,在1亿次点击时,您可以看到一致的性能差异。


//val r = scala.util.Random // Create random number generator
def r = ThreadLocalRandom.current
  //Generate random point
  //val X = r.nextFloat()
  //val Y = r.nextFloat()
  val X = r.nextDouble(0.0, 1.0)
  val Y = r.nextDouble(0.0, 1.0)

这一切都是在配备2GHz四核CPU和8GB内存的旧MacBook Pro上完成的。以下是总计1亿次点击的测试结果:

  • 非Akka app需要~1720 ms
  • 有2名工人的Akka应用需要~770毫秒
  • 有4名工人的Akka应用需要~430毫秒



$ sbt“runMain calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp”

[info]从/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi / project加载项目定义 [info]将当前项目设置为Akka Pi Calculation(在构建文件中:/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi /) [info]运行calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp 迭代次数:100000000 Pi的计算公式为:3.1415916 总时间:1722(毫秒) [成功]总时间:2秒,2017年1月20日下午3:26:20完成

$ sbt“runMain calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp”

[info]从/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi / project加载项目定义 [info]将当前项目设置为Akka Pi Calculation(在构建文件中:/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi /) [info]运行calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp 迭代次数:100000000 Pi的计算公式为:3.14159724 总时间:1715(毫秒) [成功]总时间:2秒,2017年1月20日下午3:28:17


工人人数= 4:

$ sbt“runMain calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp”

[info]从/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi / project加载项目定义 [info]将当前项目设置为Akka Pi Calculation(在构建文件中:/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi /) [info]运行calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp 开始大师

Pi approximation:       3.14110116
Calculation time:   423.0


$ sbt“runMain calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp”

[info]从/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi / project加载项目定义 [info]将当前项目设置为Akka Pi Calculation(在构建文件中:/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi /) [info]运行calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp 开始大师

Pi approximation:       3.14181316
Calculation time:   440.0


工人人数= 2:

$ sbt“runMain calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp”

[info]从/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi / project加载项目定义 [info]将当前项目设置为Akka Pi Calculation(在构建文件中:/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi /) [info]运行calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp 开始大师

Pi approximation:       3.14162344
Calculation time:   766.0


$ sbt“runMain calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp”

[info]从/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi / project加载项目定义 [info]将当前项目设置为Akka Pi Calculation(在构建文件中:/ Users / leo / projects / scala / test / akka-calculate-pi /) [info]运行calcpi.MCpi 100000000 / tmp 开始大师

Pi approximation:       3.14182148
Calculation time:   787.0


答案 2 :(得分:-2)



在幕后,Akka将在一组真实线程上运行多组actor,通常许多actor共享一个线程,一个actor的后续调用最终可能会在不同的线程上进行处理。 Akka确保此实现细节不会影响处理actor状态的单线程。


Future {
  //your code


  1. 导入全局执行上下文

  2. 导入actor的执行上下文:

    import context.dispatcher

  3. 第二个必须使用你的演员类体。