我想简单地减去两个栅格并将结果保存在另一个栅格中。其中一个输入图像是tif文件,另一个是vrt文件。 (输出为tif)
文件非常大,所以我打开它们,将它们分成几块并运行每一块然后减去。 问题是它非常慢!
import gdal
import numpy as np
rA = gdal.Open(raFileName)
rB = gdal.Open(rbFileName)
nodataA = rA.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
nodataB = rB.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(outputFileName, ncols, nrows, 1 ,gdal.GDT_Float32,['COMPRESS=LZW','BigTIFF=YES'])
# tile size
trows = 5000
tcols = 5000
# number of tiles in output file (ceil)
ntrows = (nrows-1)/trows+1
ntcols = (ncols-1)/tcols+1
# tiling because of memory problems
for r in range(ntrows):
for c in range(ntcols):
# number of rows/cols for tile r (in case of edge)
rtrows = min(trows,nrows-r*trows)
ctcols = min(tcols,ncols-c*tcols)
# the data from the input files
rA_arr = rA.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(c*tcols,r*trows,ctcols,rtrows)
rB_arr = rB.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(c*tcols,r*trows,ctcols,rtrows)
mask = np.logical_or(rA_arr==nodataA,rB_arr==nodataB)
subtraction = rA_arr-rB_arr
subtraction[mask] = nodata
# writing this tile to the output raster
我目前试图减去的栅格有16 * 16块(5000 * 5000像素),大约两小时后,它只经过了3行!
答案 0 :(得分:2)
将为GiB。这可以防止对磁盘进行不必要的I / O(速度很慢)。
我做了一个快速测试,我故意用低效的chunksize读取。使用86400x43200的栅格,块大小为86400x1。我用你的代码来读取单个栅格(没有写入)。 MaxCache设置为1MiB以避免缓存,从而降低效率。
使用86400 * 1的块,需要:
1 loop, best of 3: 9.49 s per loop
使用5000 * 5000的块需要:
1 loop, best of 3: 32.6 s per loop
答案 1 :(得分:2)
晚会,但这是我根据Rutger的优秀答案写的剧本。它以某种方式优化了磁贴大小,以便您可以读取最少的块。这几乎肯定不是你能做的最好的,但我注意到它在处理大小为[1440000 560000]的地理栅格时大大提高了我的运行时间。这里有两个函数:optimal_tile_size和split_raster_into_tiles。后者将为给定的输入栅格对象提供(优化的w.r.t. blocksize)图块的坐标。
import numpy as np
import gdal
def split_raster_into_tiles(rast_obj, N, overlap=0, aspect=0):
Given an input raster object (created via gdal) and the number of tiles
you wish to break it into, returns an Nx4 array of coordinates corresponding
to the corners of boxes that tile the input. Tiles are created to minimize
the number of blocks read from the raster file. An optional
overlap value will adjust the tiles such that they each overlap by the
specified pixel amount.
rast_obj - obj: gdal raster object created by gdal.Open()
N - int: number of tiles to split raster into
overlap - int: (optional) number of pixels each tile should overlap
aspect - float or str: (optional) if set to 0, aspect is not considered. If
set to 'use_raster', aspect of raster is respected.
Otherwise can provide an aspect = dx/dy.
tiles - np array: Nx4 array where N is number of tiles and the four
columns correspond to: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
# Get optimal tile size
dx, dy = optimal_tile_size(rast_obj, N, aspect=aspect)
ncols = rast_obj.RasterXSize
nrows = rast_obj.RasterYSize
# Generate nonoverlapping tile edge coordinates
ulx = np.array([0])
uly = np.array([0])
while ulx[-1] < ncols:
ulx = np.append(ulx, ulx[-1]+dx)
while uly[-1] < nrows:
uly = np.append(uly, uly[-1]+dy)
# In case of overshoots, remove the last points and replace with raster extent
ulx = ulx[:-1]
uly = uly[:-1]
ulx = np.append(ulx, ncols)
uly = np.append(uly, nrows)
# Ensure final tile is large enough; if not, delete second-from-last point
if ulx[-1] - ulx[-2] < 2*overlap:
ulx = np.delete(ulx, -2)
if uly[-1] - uly[-2] < 2*overlap:
uly = np.delete(uly, -2)
# Create tiles array where each row corresponds to [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
tiles = np.empty(((len(ulx)-1)*(len(uly)-1),4), dtype=int)
rowct = 0
for i in np.arange(0,len(ulx[:-1])):
for j in np.arange(0,len(uly[:-1])):
tiles[rowct,0] = ulx[i]
tiles[rowct,1] = ulx[i+1]
tiles[rowct,2] = uly[j]
tiles[rowct,3] = uly[j+1]
rowct = rowct + 1
# Adjust tiles for overlap
if overlap > 0:
tiles[tiles[:,0] > overlap, 0] = tiles[tiles[:,0] > overlap, 0] - overlap
tiles[tiles[:,1] < (ncols - overlap), 1] = tiles[tiles[:,1] < (ncols - overlap), 1] + overlap
tiles[tiles[:,2] > overlap, 2] = tiles[tiles[:,2] > overlap, 2] - overlap
tiles[tiles[:,3] < (nrows - overlap), 3] = tiles[tiles[:,3] < (nrows - overlap), 3] + overlap
print('Tile size X, Y is {}, {}.'.format(dx, dy))
return tiles
def optimal_tile_size(rast_obj, N, aspect=0):
Returns a tile size that optimizes reading a raster by considering the
blocksize of the raster. The raster is divided into (roughly) N tiles. If
the shape of the tiles is unimportant (aspect=0), optimization
considers only the blocksize. If an aspect ratio is provided, optimization
tries to respect it as much as possible.
rast_obj - obj: gdal raster object created by gdal.Open()
N - int: number of tiles to split raster into
aspect - float or str: (optional) - If no value is provided, the
aspect ratio is set only by the blocksize. If aspect is set
to 'use_raster', aspect is obtained from the aspect of the
given raster. Optionally, an aspect may be provided where
aspect = dx/dy.
dx - np.int: optimized number of columns of each tile
dy - np.int: optimized number of rows of each tile
# # If a vrt, try to get the underlying raster blocksize
# filepath = rast_obj.GetDescription()
# extension = filepath.split('.')[-1]
# if extension == 'vrt':
# sample_tif = rast_obj.GetFileList()[-1]
# st = gdal.Open(sample_tif)
# blocksize = st.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize()
# else:
# blocksize = rast_obj.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize()
blocksize = rast_obj.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize()
ncols = rast_obj.RasterXSize
nrows = rast_obj.RasterYSize
# Compute ratios for sizing
totalpix = ncols * nrows
pix_per_block = blocksize[0] * blocksize[1]
pix_per_tile = totalpix / N
if aspect == 0: # optimize tile size for fastest I/O
n_blocks_per_tile = np.round(pix_per_tile / pix_per_block)
if n_blocks_per_tile >= 1:
# This assumes the larger dimension of the block size should be retained for sizing tiles
if blocksize[0] > blocksize[1] or blocksize[0] == blocksize[1]:
dx = blocksize[0]
dy = np.round(pix_per_tile / dx)
ndy = dy / nrows
if ndy > 1.5:
dx = dx * np.round(ndy)
dy = np.round((pix_per_tile / dx) / blocksize[1]) * blocksize[1]
dy = np.min((dy, nrows))
if dy == 0:
dy = blocksize[1]
dy = blocksize[1]
dx = np.round(pix_per_tile / dy)
ndx = dx / ncols
if ndx > 1.5:
dy = dy * np.round(ndx)
dx = np.round((pix_per_tile / dy) / blocksize[0]) * blocksize[0]
dx = np.min((dx, ncols))
if dx == 0:
dx = blocksize[0]
print('Block size is smaller than tile size; setting tile size to block size.')
dy = blocksize[0]
dx = blocksize[1]
else: # optimize but respect the aspect ratio as much as possible
if aspect == 'use_raster':
aspect = ncols / nrows
dya = np.round(np.sqrt(pix_per_tile / aspect))
dxa = np.round(aspect * dya)
dx = np.round(dxa / blocksize[0]) * blocksize[0]
dx = np.min((dx, ncols))
dy = np.round(dya / blocksize[1]) * blocksize[1]
dy = np.min((dy, nrows))
# Set dx,dy to blocksize if they're zero
if dx == 0:
dx = blocksize[0]
if dy == 0:
dy = blocksize[1]
return dx, dy
作为一个快速的基准测试,我尝试将42000 x 36000虚拟光栅(带有一些额外的计算)平铺到30个图块中。启用优化后,运行时间为120秒。没有它,运行时间为596秒。如果您要对大文件进行平铺,那么将块大小考虑在内将是值得的。