可供阅读。 myFile
声明为256个字节。在while (bis.read(recData, 0, SIZE_OF_DB_Record) != -1)
关键在于它可以正常工作,但成本超长。我发现原因可能是我使用new String()
次数太多了。然后,我做了一个实验。如果我删除new String()
中的所有while loop
代码,它的速度非常快。如果我在new String()
中添加一个while loop
代码,则显然会变慢。我是客人,问题是由于使用了太多new String()
Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 390820(8MB)
AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 23MB/31MB, paused 519us total 100.362ms.
File file;
BufferedInputStream bis;
byte[] recData = new byte[256];
byte[] tmpRecDataStr = new byte[256];
byte[] tmpRecDataLong = new byte[8];
byte[] tmpRecDataInt = new byte[4];
TCR_DB_Record tcrDbRecord = new TCR_DB_Record();
for (int i = 0; i < numMachine; i++) {
try {
file = new File(LoginActivity.dataDir + "/" + i, "myFile");
bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
while (bis.read(recData, 0, 256) != -1) {
//get date
System.arraycopy(recData, 0, tmpRecDataLong, 0, 4);
tcrDbRecord.date = ntoh_8bytes(tmpRecDataLong);
//get time
System.arraycopy(recData, 4, tmpRecDataLong, 0, 4);
tcrDbRecord.time = ntoh_8bytes(tmpRecDataLong);
//get channel
System.arraycopy(recData, 8, tmpRecDataInt, 0, 2);
tcrDbRecord.chanNo = ntoh_4bytes(tmpRecDataInt);
//get file path
System.arraycopy(recData, 10, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 16);
tcrDbRecord.filePath = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 16, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.filePath = tcrDbRecord.filePath.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get file name
System.arraycopy(recData, 26, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 14);
tcrDbRecord.fileName = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 14, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.fileName = tcrDbRecord.fileName.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get file size in byte
System.arraycopy(recData, 64, tmpRecDataLong, 0, 4);
tcrDbRecord.fileSize = ntoh_8bytes(tmpRecDataLong);
//get length of the record in second
System.arraycopy(recData, 68, tmpRecDataLong, 0, 4);
tcrDbRecord.second = ntoh_8bytes(tmpRecDataLong);
//get value
System.arraycopy(recData, 76, tmpRecDataLong, 0, 4);
tcrDbRecord.value = ntoh_8bytes(tmpRecDataLong);
//get case id
System.arraycopy(recData, 80, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 16);
tcrDbRecord.caseID = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 16, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.caseID = tcrDbRecord.caseID.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get comment
System.arraycopy(recData, 96, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 16);
tcrDbRecord.comment = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 16, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.comment = tcrDbRecord.comment.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get extension
System.arraycopy(recData, 112, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 24);
tcrDbRecord.ext = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 24, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.ext = tcrDbRecord.ext.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get agent name
System.arraycopy(recData, 136, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 32);
tcrDbRecord.name = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 32, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.name = tcrDbRecord.name.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get agent id
System.arraycopy(recData, 168, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 24);
tcrDbRecord.id = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 24, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.id = tcrDbRecord.id.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get department
System.arraycopy(recData, 192, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 32);
tcrDbRecord.dep = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 32, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.dep = tcrDbRecord.dep.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
//get group
System.arraycopy(recData, 224, tmpRecDataStr, 0, 32);
tcrDbRecord.group = new String(tmpRecDataStr, 0, 32, "US-ASCII");
tcrDbRecord.group = tcrDbRecord.group.replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
} catch (IOException e) {
int ntoh_4bytes(byte[] b)
return b[0] & 0xFF |
(b[1] & 0xFF) << 8 |
(b[2] & 0xFF) << 16 |
(b[3] & 0xFF) << 24;
long ntoh_8bytes(byte[] b)
return b[0] & 0xFF |
(b[1] & 0xFF) << 8 |
(b[2] & 0xFF) << 16 |
(b[3] & 0xFF) << 24 |
(b[4] & 0xFF) << 32 |
(b[5] & 0xFF) << 40 |
(b[6] & 0xFF) << 48 |
(b[7] & 0xFF) << 56;