
时间:2017-01-18 20:04:50

标签: excel excel-vba vba





Dim start_tests As Long 'start of test selection
    start_tests = 2
Dim end_tests As Long 'end of test selection
    end_tests = 100

Dim tests_used(200) As Variant
Dim tests_indent(200) As Variant
Dim tests_font(200) As Variant
Dim tests_comments(20000) As Variant

'Saving the selected tests to an array
no_act_tests = 1
For i = start_tests To (end_tests)
    If Range("N" & i) = True Then
        tests_used(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i)
        tests_indent(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).IndentLevel
        tests_font(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).Font.FontStyle
        'Range("M" & i).Select
        'tests_comments(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments).Select
        tests_comments(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).Comment.Text '<- Problem Code
        no_act_tests = no_act_tests + 1
    End If
Next i
no_act_tests = no_act_tests - 1


'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Creating New Tab~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With ThisWorkbook
    .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)).Name = tab_name_desk
End With
End With

 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Printing Template~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With Worksheets(tab_name_desk)

  .Range("A1").Value = "Browser:"
  .Range("A2").Value = "Resolution:"
  .Range("A3").Value = "Page URL:"
  .Range("B3").Value = url_name

  'displaying all the tests to be done in the first column
  For i = 1 To no_act_tests
    .Range("A" & i + 3).Value = tests_used(i)
    .Range("A" & i + 3).IndentLevel = tests_indent(i)
    .Range("A" & i + 3).Font.FontStyle = tests_font(i)
    'With .Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment
        .Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment.Visible = False
        .Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment = tests_comments(i)
    'End With
  Next i


Sub Create_Form()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With Worksheets("Setup")

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Creating Variables~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dim tab_name As String      'Creates tab_name as a variable
    tab_name = Range("C1").Value     'Stores the value from C1 in the tab_name variable
    tab_name_mobile = tab_name + " - Mobile"
    tab_name_desk = tab_name + " - Desktop"
Dim url_name As String      'Creates url_name as a variable
    url_name = Range("C2").Value     'Stores the value from C2 in the url_name variable

Dim start_browse_desk As Long 'start of desktop browser selection
    start_browse_desk = 10
Dim end_browse_desk As Long 'end of desktop browser selection
    end_browse_desk = 14
Dim start_res_desk As Long 'start of desktop resolutions selection
    start_res_desk = 23
Dim end_res_desk As Long 'end of desktop resolutions selection
    end_res_desk = 38

Dim start_browse_mobile As Long 'start of mobile browser selection
    start_browse_mobile = 45
Dim end_browse_mobile As Long 'end of mobile browser selection
    end_browse_mobile = 52
Dim start_res_mobile As Long 'start of mobile resolutions selection
    start_res_mobile = 63
Dim end_res_mobile As Long 'end of mobile resolutions selection
    end_res_mobile = 70

Dim start_tests As Long 'start of test selection
    start_tests = 2
Dim end_tests As Long 'end of test selection
    end_tests = 100

Dim browsers_used_mobile(25) As Variant
Dim browsers_indent_mobile(25) As Variant
Dim browsers_font_mobile(25) As Variant
Dim res_used_mobile(25) As Variant
Dim res_indent_mobile(25) As Variant
Dim res_font_mobile(25) As Variant

Dim browsers_used_desk(25) As Variant
Dim browsers_indent_desk(25) As Variant
Dim browsers_font_desk(25) As Variant
Dim res_used_desk(25) As Variant
Dim res_indent_desk(25) As Variant
Dim res_font_desk(25) As Variant

Dim tests_used(200) As Variant
Dim tests_indent(200) As Variant
Dim tests_font(200) As Variant
Dim tests_comments(20000) As Variant

 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saving Selections~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'Saving the selected desktop browsers to an array
no_act_browsers_desk = 1
For i = start_browse_desk To (end_browse_desk)
    If Range("B" & i) = True Then
        browsers_used_desk(no_act_browsers_desk) = Range("A" & i)
        browsers_indent_desk(no_act_browsers_desk) = Range("A" & i).IndentLevel
        browsers_font_desk(no_act_browsers_desk) = Range("A" & i).Font.FontStyle
        no_act_browsers_desk = no_act_browsers_desk + 1
    End If
Next i
no_act_browsers_desk = no_act_browsers_desk - 1

'Saving the selected desktop resolutions to an array
no_act_res_desk = 1
For i = start_res_desk To (end_res_desk)
    If Range("B" & i) = True Then
        res_used_desk(no_act_res_desk) = Range("A" & i)
        res_indent_desk(no_act_res_desk) = Range("A" & i).IndentLevel
        res_font_desk(no_act_res_desk) = Range("A" & i).Font.FontStyle
        no_act_res_desk = no_act_res_desk + 1
    End If
Next i
no_act_res_desk = no_act_res_desk - 1

'Saving the selected mobile browsers to an array
no_act_browsers_mobile = 1
For i = start_browse_mobile To end_browse_mobile
    If Range("B" & i) = True Then
        browsers_used_mobile(no_act_browsers_mobile) = Range("A" & i)
        browsers_indent_mobile(no_act_browsers_mobile) = Range("A" & i).IndentLevel
        browsers_font_mobile(no_act_browsers_mobile) = Range("A" & i).Font.FontStyle
        no_act_browsers_mobile = no_act_browsers_mobile + 1
    End If
Next i
no_act_browsers_mobile = no_act_browsers_mobile - 1

'Saving the selected mobile resolutions to an array
no_act_res_mobile = 1
For i = start_res_mobile To (end_res_mobile)
    If Range("B" & i) = True Then
        res_used_mobile(no_act_res_mobile) = Range("A" & i)
        res_indent_mobile(no_act_res_mobile) = Range("A" & i).IndentLevel
        res_font_mobile(no_act_res_mobile) = Range("A" & i).Font.FontStyle
        no_act_res_mobile = no_act_res_mobile + 1
    End If
Next i
no_act_res_mobile = no_act_res_mobile - 1

'Saving the selected tests to an array
no_act_tests = 1
For i = start_tests To (end_tests)
    If Range("N" & i) = True Then
        tests_used(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i)
        tests_indent(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).IndentLevel
        tests_font(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).Font.FontStyle
        Range("M" & i).Select
        'tests_comments(no_act_tests) = Range("M" & i).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments).Select
        tests_comments(no_act_tests) = ActiveCell.Comment.Text
        no_act_tests = no_act_tests + 1
    End If
Next i
no_act_tests = no_act_tests - 1
'ActiveCell.Value = browsers_used(1)

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Creating New Tab~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With ThisWorkbook
    .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)).Name = tab_name_desk
End With
End With

 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Printing Template~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With Worksheets(tab_name_desk)

.Range("A1").Value = "Browser:"
.Range("A2").Value = "Resolution:"
.Range("A3").Value = "Page URL:"
.Range("B3").Value = url_name

'displaying all the tests to be done in the first column
For i = 1 To no_act_tests
    .Range("A" & i + 3).Value = tests_used(i)
    .Range("A" & i + 3).IndentLevel = tests_indent(i)
    .Range("A" & i + 3).Font.FontStyle = tests_font(i)
    'With .Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment
        .Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment.Visible = False
        .Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment = tests_comments(i)
    'End With
Next i

k = 1
For i = 1 To no_act_browsers_desk
    .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2).Value = browsers_used_desk(i) 'displaying the browsers
    .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2).IndentLevel = browsers_indent_desk(i)
    .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2).Font.FontStyle = browsers_font_desk(i)
    .Range(.Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2), .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + no_act_res_desk)).Merge
    k = no_act_res_desk
    For j = 1 To no_act_res_desk
        .Cells(2, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + j).Value = res_used_desk(j) 'displaying the resolutions
        .Cells(2, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + j).IndentLevel = res_indent_desk(j)
        .Cells(2, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + j).Font.FontStyle = res_font_desk(j)
    Next j
Next i
End With


With Sheets(Sheets.Count)

  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).Select
'------------------------------------Conditional Format 'n'------------------

  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions(Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority
  With Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions(1).Interior
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .Color = 13551615
    .TintAndShade = 0
  End With
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False

'------------------------------------Conditional Format 'y'------------------

  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions(Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority
  With Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions(1).Interior
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .Color = 13561798
    .TintAndShade = 0
  End With
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_desk * no_act_res_desk + 1)).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
    '------------------------------------Freezing Panes-------------------------

  With ActiveWindow
    .SplitColumn = 1
    .SplitRow = 3
    .FreezePanes = True
  End With
End With
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Creating New Tab~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With ThisWorkbook
    .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)).Name = tab_name_mobile
End With
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Printing Template~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With Worksheets(tab_name_mobile)

  .Range("A1").Value = "Browser:"
  .Range("A2").Value = "Resolution:"
  .Range("A3").Value = "Page URL:"
  .Range("B3").Value = url_name

  'displaying all the tests to be done in the first column
  For i = 1 To no_act_tests
    .Range("A" & i + 3).Value = tests_used(i)
    .Range("A" & i + 3).IndentLevel = tests_indent(i)
    .Range("A" & i + 3).Font.FontStyle = tests_font(i)
    '.Range("A" & i + 3).AddComment.Text = tests_comments(i)
  Next i

  k = 1
  For i = 1 To no_act_browsers_mobile
    .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2).Value = browsers_used_mobile(i) 'displaying the browsers
    .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2).IndentLevel = browsers_indent_mobile(i)
    .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2).Font.FontStyle = browsers_font_mobile(i)
    .Range(.Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 2), .Cells(1, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + no_act_res_mobile)).Merge
    k = no_act_res_mobile
    For j = 1 To no_act_res_mobile
        .Cells(2, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + j).Value = res_used_mobile(j) 'displaying the resolutions
        .Cells(2, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + j).IndentLevel = res_indent_mobile(j)
        .Cells(2, ((i - 1) * k) + 1 + j).Font.FontStyle = res_font_mobile(j)
    Next j
  Next i
End With


With Sheets(Sheets.Count)

  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).Select
'------------------------------------Conditional Format 'n'------------------

  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions(Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority
  With Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions(1).Interior
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .Color = 13551615
    .TintAndShade = 0
  End With
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False

'------------------------------------Conditional Format 'y'------------------

  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions(Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority
  With Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions(1).Interior
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .Color = 13561798
    .TintAndShade = 0
  End With
  Range("B4", .Cells(3 + no_act_tests, no_act_browsers_mobile * no_act_res_mobile + 1)).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
'------------------------------------Freezing Panes-------------------------

  With ActiveWindow
    .SplitColumn = 1
    .SplitRow = 3
    .FreezePanes = True
  End With

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With

End Sub


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