通过使用javascript保持现有对象来比较两个数组并使用新值进行更新 - 对于对象的删除操作不起作用

时间:2017-01-18 03:14:24

标签: javascript arrays

这是Compare two arrays and update with the new values by keeping the existing objects using javascript的后续问题,@Siderite Zackwehdex已经回答


我尝试实现的一个功能是添加一个额外的对象,即。"removedIds":[23] ,,将已删除的id作为数组保存在每个对象级别中,并在评估过程中识别它们。但是没有找到合适的灵魂


var parentArray1=[
        "id": 1,
        "name": "test",
        "context": [
                "operationalContextId": 1.1,
                "valueChainEntityDetails": [
                        "valuChainEntityId": 3,
                        "name": "test",
                        "context": [
                                "id": 3.1,
                                "name": "test 3.1",
                                "activityDetails": [
                                        "activityId": 22,
                                        "name": "test 3.1"
                                     {                   //trying to remove activity id 23
                                        "activityId": 23,
                                        "name": "changed test 23"

var changedArray1=[
        "id": 1,
        "name": "test2",
        "context": [
                "operationalContextId": 1.1,
                "valueChainEntityDetails": [
                        "valuChainEntityId": 3,
                        "name": "changed test3",
                        "context": [
                                "id": 3.1,
                                "name": "test 3.1",
                                 "removedIds":[23] ,
                                "activityDetails": [  //activity id 23 is removed in this JSON but reflecting in parentArray1
                                        "activityId": 22,
                                        "name": "changed test 3.1"


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