
时间:2017-01-16 18:13:46

标签: excel vba


当从新代码中删除字符时,这非常有效,但是,当向新代码添加一个字符时,循环永远不会停止。例如,如果当前(旧代码)是"测试",并且我键入" tes",代码将触发,并且所有"测试"改为" tes"。如果我改变"测试"到"测试1",所有都改为"测试1",但是循环继续运行,即使C在所有改变之后都没有。如果在do内似乎没有帮助。

我还应该提到oldcode不是直接"测试",Oldcode实际上来自第1列,在那里它连接" test"并计算其中有多少,所以" test-1"。


Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)

Dim row As Integer
Dim column As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim oldcode As String
Dim newcode As String
Dim IssueLogSheet As Worksheet
Dim FailureModeTable As Range
Dim max As Integer

Set IssueLogSheet = Sheets("Issue Log")
Set FailureModeTable = IssueLogSheet.Range("FMCODE")

row = target.row
column = target.column

    If Not Intersect(target, FailureModeTable) Is Nothing And (target.column <> 1 Or target.column <> 4) Then

        Application.EnableEvents = False
        oldcode = Cells(row, 1).Value
        oldcode = WorksheetFunction.Proper(oldcode)
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        MsgBox oldcode

            With IssueLogSheet.Range("IssueLogFailureName")
            Set c = .Find(oldcode, LookIn:=xlValues)

                If Not c Is Nothing Then
                newcode = Cells(row, 1).Value
                newcode = WorksheetFunction.Proper(newcode)

                      If c Is Nothing Then
                      Exit do
                      End If
                    c.Value = newcode
                    Set c = .FindNext(c)
                    Loop While Not c Is Nothing

                End If

          End With

      End If

End Sub

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Dim firstAddress As String


    With IssueLogSheet.Range("IssueLogFailureName")
        Set c = .Find(oldcode, LookIn:=xlValues)

        If Not c Is Nothing Then
            firstAddress = c.Address '<--| store first occurrence address
            newcode = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Cells(row, 1).Value)
                c.Value = newcode
                Set c = .FindNext(c)
            Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress '<--| exit should 'Find()' wrap back to first occurrence
        End If
    End With


    With IssueLogSheet.Range("IssueLogFailureName")
        Set c = .Find(oldcode, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole) '<--| impose a full match

        If Not c Is Nothing Then
            newcode = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Cells(row, 1).Value)
                c.Value = newcode
                Set c = .FindNext(c)
            Loop While Not c Is Nothing
        End If
    End With