如何为for循环设置两个变量 - Javascript

时间:2017-01-16 14:58:08

标签: javascript


function onOpen(cf) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var startRow = 2;  // First row of data to process
var numRows = 4;
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");

//for (var n in ss.getSheets()){ {

for (var ree = startRow,  n in ss.getSheets(); ree <= numRows; ree++){ {

var rangeToCheck = sheet1.getRange(ree, 1);//  column D in row ree

var accesslist = sheet1.getRange(ree,2);
var namee = rangeToCheck.getValue();
var folder =  DriveApp.createFolder(namee);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace MwoCWDropDeckBuilder.Infrastructure.Interfaces
    public interface IValidatingBaseViewModel : IDataErrorInfo
        bool IsValid();
        bool IsValid<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression);

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using MwoCWDropDeckBuilder.Infrastructure.Interfaces;

namespace MwoCWDropDeckBuilder.Infrastructure
    public class ValidatingBaseViewModel<TModelType> : ValidatingBaseViewModel, IBaseViewModel<TModelType>
        where TModelType : class
        public TModelType Model { get; private set; }

        public ValidatingBaseViewModel(TModelType modelObject)
            Model = modelObject;

    public class ValidatingBaseViewModel : BaseViewModel, IValidatingBaseViewModel
        private Dictionary<string, bool> _validationResults = new Dictionary<string, bool>();

        public string Error
            get { return null; }

        public string this[string propertyName]
            get { return OnValidate(propertyName); }

        public bool IsValid()
            var t = GetType();
            var props = t.GetProperties().Where(
                prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(ValidationAttribute)));
            return props.All(x => IsValid(x.Name));


        public bool IsValid<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression)
            var propertyName = GetPropertyName(propertyExpression);
            return IsValid(propertyName);

        private bool IsValid(string propertyName)
            return _validationResults[propertyName];

        private string OnValidate(string propertyName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid property name", propertyName);

            string error = string.Empty;
            var value = GetValue(propertyName);

            var t = GetType();
            var props = t.GetProperties().Where(
                prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(ValidationAttribute)));
            if (props.Any(x => x.Name == propertyName))

                var results = new List<ValidationResult>(1);
                var result = Validator.TryValidateProperty(
                    new ValidationContext(this, null, null)
                        MemberName = propertyName

                StoreValidationResult(propertyName, result);

                if (!result)
                    var validationResult = results.First();
                    error = validationResult.ErrorMessage;
            return error;

        private void StoreValidationResult(string propertyName, bool result)
            if (_validationResults.ContainsKey(propertyName) == false)
                _validationResults.Add(propertyName, false);
            _validationResults[propertyName] = result;

        #region Privates

        private string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression)
            var memberExpression = propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
            if (memberExpression == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return memberExpression.Member.Name;

        private object GetValue(string propertyName)
            object value;
            var propertyDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(GetType()).Find(propertyName, false);
            if (propertyDescriptor == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid property name", propertyName);

            value = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(this);
            return value;

