
时间:2017-01-16 14:27:16

标签: python csv numpy

我正在编写一个Python模块,其中我读取了一个包含2列和随机行数的.csv文件。然后我通过这些行直到第1列> X。此时我需要当前行和上一行的数据进行一些计算。

目前,我正在使用'for i in range(rows)'但每个csv文件将有不同的行数,所以这不会起作用。


rows = 73
    for i in range(rows):  

        c_level = Strapping_Table[Tank_Number][i,0]  # Current level
        c_volume = Strapping_Table[Tank_Number][i,1] # Current volume

        if c_level > level:

            p_level = Strapping_Table[Tank_Number][i-1,0]    # Previous level
            p_volume = Strapping_Table[Tank_Number][i-1,1]  # Previous volume

            x = level - p_level   # Intermediate values
            if x < 0:
                x = 0
            y = c_level - p_level
            z = c_volume - p_volume

            volume = p_volume + ((x / y) * z)

            return volume


for row in Tank_data: 
   print row[c]       # print column c



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


public void testOverlapOnce() throws Exception {
    assertEquals("", overlapOnce("", ""));
    assertEquals("ab", overlapOnce("a", "b"));
    assertEquals("abc", overlapOnce("ab", "bc"));
    assertEquals("abcdefghqabcdefghi", overlapOnce("abcdefgh", "efghqabcdefghi"));
    assertEquals("aaaaaabaaaaaa", overlapOnce("aaaaaab", "baaaaaa"));
    assertEquals("ccc", overlapOnce("ccc", "ccc"));
    assertEquals("abcabc", overlapOnce("abcabc", "abcabc"));

     *  "a" + "b" + "c" => "abc"
     "abcde" + "defgh" + "ghlmn" => "abcdefghlmn"
     "abcdede" + "dedefgh" + "" => "abcdedefgh"
     "abcde" + "d" + "ghlmn" => "abcdedghlmn"
     "abcdef" + "" + "defghl" => "abcdefghl"
    assertEquals("abc", overlapOnce("a", "b", "c"));
    assertEquals("abcdefghlmn", overlapOnce("abcde", "defgh", "ghlmn"));
    assertEquals("abcdedefgh", overlapOnce("abcdede", "dedefgh"));
    assertEquals("abcdedghlmn", overlapOnce("abcde", "d", "ghlmn"));
    assertEquals("abcdefghl", overlapOnce("abcdef", "", "defghl"));

    // Consider str1=abXabXabXac and str2=XabXac. Your approach will output abXabXabXacXabXac because by
    // resetting j=0, it goes to far back.
    assertEquals("abXabXabXac", overlapOnce("abXabXabXac", "XabXac"));

    // Try to trick algo with an earlier false match overlapping with the real match
    //  - match first "aba" and miss that the last "a" is the start of the
    // real match
    assertEquals("ababa--", overlapOnce("ababa", "aba--"));


with open("myfile.txt", "r") as file:
     previous_line = next(file)
     for line in file:
        print(previous_line, line)
        previous_line = line

答案 1 :(得分:0)

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答案 2 :(得分:0)


numberOfRows = (1 for row in file)

然而,这意味着你的代码将会读取csv两次,如果它非常大你可能不想这样做 - 将每一次迭代存储到全局变量的简单选项可能是最好的选择在那种情况下。

另一种途径可能是只读取文件并从中进行分析。熊猫DataFrame(http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.read_csv.html) 但如果你的csv太大,这可能会导致缓慢。