
时间:2017-01-15 15:23:07

标签: java collision-detection collision

我的游戏碰撞检测系统有点问题。 在游戏中有几个相互连接的结构。但是当它们之间存在另一个结构时,它们不应该连接。






public void drawConnections(Graphics g) {
    ArrayList<EnergyContainer> structurecopy = (ArrayList<EnergyContainer>) Mainclass.structures.clone(); //all structures in a list
    structurecopy.remove(this); //as we are member of the list
    structurecopy.removeIf(t -> (!hasStructureInRangeWithoutObstaclesInBetween(t))); 
    structurecopy.removeIf(t -> !t.receivesEnergyfromNeighbors()); //unimportant check if it is allowed to connect (its working)
    structurecopy.forEach(t -> drawConnectionTo(t, g)); //also works fine 

public boolean hasStructureInRangeWithoutObstaclesInBetween(Structure structureWhichShouldBeInRange) {
    // if in Range
    if (getRange() >= Math.hypot(structureWhichShouldBeInRange.getX() - getX(),
            structureWhichShouldBeInRange.getY() - getY())){ //checks if structure is in range
        ArrayList<EnergyContainer> structureclone = (ArrayList<EnergyContainer>) Mainclass.structures.clone();
        structureclone.remove(this); //again removes itself from the list
        structureclone.remove(structureWhichShouldBeInRange); //also removes target - so it doesn't block itself
        structureclone.removeIf(t -> !t.collidesWithLine(this.getX(), structureWhichShouldBeInRange.getX(),
                this.getY(), structureWhichShouldBeInRange.getY())); //removes it when it does not collide
        return structureclone.size() == 0; //returns true when no collisions are found
    return false;

public boolean collidesWithLine(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) {
    // Line Segment - Circle Collision Detection
    double dx = x2 - x1;
    double dy = y2 - y1;
    double a = dx * dx + dy * dy; //this is the distance
    double b = 2 * dx * (x1 - getX()) + 2 * dy * (y1 - getY());
    double c = getX() * getX() + getY() * getY() + x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 - 2 * (getX() * x1 + getY() * y1)
            - getCollisionRadius() * getCollisionRadius();
    double discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;
    return discriminant >= 0; // no intersection -> discriminant <0




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


首先:正如Marat所说:b可能会返回值0.如果您的getX()getY()正在返回,则会发生这种情况{ {1}}和x1。如果是这种情况,那么您基本上就是这样做的:y1。如果是这种情况,则可能会对后来的方程产生负面影响。

其次:很可能,您总是从此最终等式中回复(2dx * 0) + (2dy * 0)


即使此时double discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c; //This breaks down to discriminant = b^2 * 4ac 为0,只要ba的值大于0,c就为真;

HIGHLY 建议在我提到的2个部分放置一个断点并在代码执行之前和之后检查你的值,这样你就可以看到数学上发生了什么。

此外,Unity API具有冲突检测功能。你应该注意那个。 https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PhysicsSection.html


答案 1 :(得分:1)

假设:  1如果我理解正确,这些是一些Structure类的方法。  2 hasStructureInRangeWithoutObstaclesInBetween是collidesWithLine的唯一调用者,或者至少是问题的呈现方式。

因为(2)b总是0。 我觉得这不是你的意图。请重新审视你的collidesWithLine方法。