
时间:2017-01-15 03:32:13

标签: c++ iteration restart


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()

    string myusername;
    string mypassword;
    bool Access_granted;
    int password_attempts;
    cout << "Enter your username: ";
    cin >> myusername;
    cout << "Enter your password: ";
    cin >> mypassword;
    if (myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "a65908") {
        Access_granted = true;
        cout << "Access granted veasy62\n";
    else if (myusername == "tveasy62" || mypassword == "a1065908") {
        Access_granted = true;
        cout << "Access granted tveasy62\n";
    else {
        Access_granted = false;
        cout << password_attempts;
        cout << "Access Denied, Sorry try again\n";
        if (Access_granted == false) {
            if (password_attempts = 2) {
                password_attempts = password_attempts + 1;
                return main();
            else {
                cout << "Sorry you have ran out of attempts\n";

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你的代码得到了Litttle buggy。 而不是&amp;&amp;你用过了|| 在条件允许的情况下,= = 2的insteas = = password_attempts = 2 如果(错误检查条件)不必要 我删除了所有这些,这是您想要实现的任务的代码

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()

    string myusername;
    string mypassword;
    bool Access_granted;
    int password_attempts=0;

    HERE : cout << "Enter your username: ";
    cin >> myusername;
    cout << "Enter your password: ";
    cin >> mypassword;
    if (myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "a65908") {
        Access_granted = true;
        cout << "Access granted veasy62\n";
    else if (myusername == "tveasy62" && mypassword == "a1065908") {
        Access_granted = true;
        cout << "Access granted tveasy62\n";
    else {
        password_attempts = password_attempts + 1;
        Access_granted = false;
        cout << password_attempts;
        cout << "Access Denied, Sorry try again\n";

            if (password_attempts == 2) {
               cout << "Sorry you have ran out of attempts\n";
               return 0;

              //to exit main().can also use exit(0) using additional libraries
           goto HERE;


答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果你不想使用循环,你可以使用goto而不是返回。你可以使用“endl”而不是“\ n”。你可以试试这个 -

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
   string myusername;
   string mypassword;
   bool Access_granted;
   int password_attempts=0;
   cout << "Enter your username: ";
   cin >> myusername;
   cout << "Enter your password: ";
   cin >> mypassword;
   if(myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "12")
       Access_granted = true;
       cout<<"Access granted veasy62" << endl;
   else if (myusername == "tveasy62" || mypassword == "a1065908" )
      Access_granted = true;
      cout<<"Access granted tveasy62" << endl;
      Access_granted = false; 

       if(Access_granted == false)
          if(password_attempts < 2 )
              cout << "Access Denied, Sorry try again" << endl;
              password_attempts = password_attempts + 1;
              cout << "you have remaining " << 2-password_attempts << " time   chances after this attempt" << endl;
              goto restart; 
              cout << "Sorry you have ran out of attempts\n";

   return 0;

答案 2 :(得分:1)

所以你说你不能使用循环。那么这是一个使用递归模板的解决方案。没有&#34; gotos&#34;,可以通过将模板参数更改为更大的数字来轻松调整。

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

template <int attempts>
struct password_entry
    static bool get_entry(std::string& myusername, std::string& mypassword)
        std::cout << "Enter your username: ";
        std::cin >> myusername;
        std::cout << "Enter your password: ";
        std::cin >> mypassword;
        if (myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "12")
            std::cout << "Access granted veasy62" << std::endl;
            return true;
        if ( attempts > 1 )
            std::cout << "Access denied.  You have " << attempts - 1 << " attempts remaining\n";
        return password_entry<attempts - 1>::get_entry(myusername, mypassword);

template <> 
struct password_entry<0>
    static bool get_entry(const std::string&, const std::string&)
        std::cout << "Sorry you have ran out of attempts\n";
        return false;

int main()
    std::string mypass, myuser;

    // max 2 attempts 
    bool access_granted = password_entry<2>::get_entry(myuser, mypass);
    if ( access_granted )
       std::cout << "Welcome current user";
       std::cout << "Please call 555-5555 to reset your password";


Live Example


答案 3 :(得分:0)

所以我从你那里得知你想让用户输入他的密码两次,如果两者都错了,那么完成程序吧? 那么你可以这样写。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()

    string myusername;
    string mypassword;
    bool Access_granted;
    int password_attempts=0;

        cout << "Enter your username: ";
        cin >> myusername;
        cout << "Enter your password: ";
        cin >> mypassword;
        if (myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "a65908") {
            Access_granted = true;
            cout << "Access granted veasy62\n";
        else if (myusername == "tveasy62" || mypassword == "a1065908") {
            Access_granted = true;
            cout << "Access granted tveasy62\n";
            return 0;
        else {
            Access_granted = false;
            cout << "Access Denied, Sorry try again\n";
            cout << "Enter your username: ";
            cin >> myusername;
            cout << "Enter your password: ";
            cin >> mypassword;
            if (myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "a65908") {
                Access_granted = true;
                cout << "Access granted veasy62\n";
            else if (myusername == "tveasy62" || mypassword == "a1065908") {
                Access_granted = true;
                cout << "Access granted tveasy62\n";
                return 0;

                    cout << "Sorry you have ran out of attempts\n";
                    cout << "Access Denied";
                    return -1;

    return 0;

答案 4 :(得分:0)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string myusername;
    string mypassword;
    bool Access_granted;
    int password_attempts=0;
    cout << "Enter your username: ";
    cin >> myusername;
    cout << "Enter your password: ";
    cin >> mypassword;
    if (myusername == "veasy62" && mypassword == "a65908") {
        Access_granted = true;
        cout << "Access granted veasy62\n";
    else if (myusername == "tveasy62" || mypassword == "a1065908") {
        Access_granted = true;
        cout << "Access granted tveasy62\n";
    else {
        Access_granted = false;
        cout << password_attempts;
        cout << "Access Denied, Sorry try again\n";
        if (Access_granted == false) {
            if (password_attempts <=2) {
                password_attempts = password_attempts + 1;
                return main();
            else {
                cout << "Sorry you have ran out of attempts\n";

答案 5 :(得分:0)

使用转到 或者,如果您喜欢模块,请尝试使用递归函数。它将像您尝试的那样工作。

public int accessAllowed(int notrys=0)
return 0;

string username,password;

//take username password

If(//condition 1)
return 1;

else if(//condition 2)
return 1;

return accessAllowed(notrys+1);



  1. Nooftrys未初始化(我认为您需要0作为初始值)
  2. ||取代&amp;&amp;
  3. 检查trys溢出时
  4. = 2,使用&lt; 2进行2次尝试。