到目前为止,我的尝试都失败了。我的网络通常在处理800个左右的字符后输出单个字符。 我相信我已经从根本上误解了张量流实现LSTM的方式,也许还有rnns。我发现文档难以理解。
idata = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None,1]) #input byte, use value 256 for start and end of file
odata = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None,1]) #target output byte, ie, next byte in sequence..
source = tf.to_float(tf.one_hot(idata,257)) #input byte as 1-hot float
target = tf.to_float(tf.one_hot(odata,257)) #target output as 1-hot float
with tf.variable_scope("lstm01"):
cell1 = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(257)
val1, state1 = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell1, source, dtype=tf.float32)
output = val1
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(output, target))
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy)
output_am = tf.argmax(output,2)
target_am = tf.argmax(target,2)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(output_am, target_am)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
for i in range(0, source_data.size-1, batch_size):
start = i
stop = i + batch_size
i_data = source_data[start:stop].reshape([-1,1])
o_data = source_data[start+1:stop+1].reshape([-1,1])
train_step.run(feed_dict={idata: i_data, odata: o_data})
if i%(report_interval*batch_size) == 0:
batch_out, fa = sess.run([output_am, accuracy], feed_dict={idata: i_data, odata: o_data, keep_prob: 1.0})
print("step %d, training accuracy %s"%(i, str(fa)))
print("i_data sample: %s"%str(squeeze(i_data)))
print("o_data sample: %s"%str(squeeze(o_data)))
print("batch sample: %s"%str(squeeze(batch_out)))
输出,使用1MB Shakespere文件进行训练
step 0, training accuracy 0.0
i_data sample: [ 256. 70. 105. 114. 115. 116. 32. 67. 105. 116.]
o_data sample: [ 70. 105. 114. 115. 116. 32. 67. 105. 116. 105.]
batch sample: [254 18 151 64 51 199 83 174 151 199]
step 400, training accuracy 0.2
i_data sample: [ 32. 98. 101. 32. 100. 111. 110. 101. 58. 32.]
o_data sample: [ 98. 101. 32. 100. 111. 110. 101. 58. 32. 97.]
batch sample: [ 32 101 32 32 32 32 10 32 101 32]
step 800, training accuracy 0.0
i_data sample: [ 112. 97. 114. 116. 105. 99. 117. 108. 97. 114.]
o_data sample: [ 97. 114. 116. 105. 99. 117. 108. 97. 114. 105.]
batch sample: [101 101 101 32 101 101 32 101 101 101]
step 1200, training accuracy 0.1
i_data sample: [ 63. 10. 10. 70. 105. 114. 115. 116. 32. 67.]
o_data sample: [ 10. 10. 70. 105. 114. 115. 116. 32. 67. 105.]
batch sample: [ 32 32 32 101 32 32 32 32 32 32]
step 1600, training accuracy 0.2
i_data sample: [ 32. 116. 105. 108. 108. 32. 116. 104. 101. 32.]
o_data sample: [ 116. 105. 108. 108. 32. 116. 104. 101. 32. 97.]
batch sample: [32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32]
我认为我对“批次”之间的差异感到困惑。和'序列'以及LSTM的状态是否保留在我称之为“批次”的状态之间。 (即子序列)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
所以你的idata的形状应该是:[batch_size,maximum_sequence_length,257]。 (如果并非批处理中的所有序列都具有相同的长度,则需要在必要时进行填充,并且在计算损耗时要小心,这仅在非填充值上进行。)
如果你想在LSTM中试验不同数量的单位 - 考虑在输出顶部添加一个线性层,以将每个输出(对于时间t的批次输入i)投影到257这是一个数字您的目标类别。