我想创建一个Flash应用程序,在按下按钮后,用户将能够浏览他/她的相册并选择一张照片。我该怎么做?按钮下的代码是什么,以获得使用此应用程序的任何用户的身份验证? 感谢。
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//initialise variables
public var photoURL:String;
var Request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.whatever the url for the graph api service you are using which is founf from FB");
//that ^^ will send off a request for the url, you then want to use the returned data by registering an event handler like this below
functionName.addEventListener(onComplete, completeHandler);
functionName(event, EVENT)
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(Request);
var data:XML = new XMLData(load.loader); //i think this is right but not 100% sure, fiddle with it
//then you want to extract the data that is returned, for example, extracting xml data from a rest request works by hitting data from the xml by specifying a path to the object you want. an example of xml is this <rsp stat="ok"><photos ......more code="morecode"><photo url="url of photo"></photo</photos> so you can hit the url in that example like this;
photoURL = data.photos.photo.@url; //this line will grab the photo url for you, allowing you to dynamically create an array and assign photos to the flash stage according to the url you get
这是相当高级的东西,我假设您对AS3,XML和FB API有一定的了解,如果您需要更多帮助,请回复