
时间:2017-01-11 20:30:38

标签: javascript d3.js


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <script data-require="d3@4.0.0" data-semver="4.0.0" src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
    .node circle {
      fill: #fff;
      stroke: steelblue;
      stroke-width: 3px;
    .node rect {
      fill: #fff;
      stroke: steelblue;
      stroke-width: 3px;
    .node text {
      font: 12px sans-serif;
    .link {
      fill: none;
      stroke: #ccc;
      stroke-width: 2px;
    .arrow {
      fill: none;
      stroke: #ccc;
      stroke-width: 1px;

	var treeData = {
      "name": "File 1",
       "children": [{
			"name": "File 2",
			"children": [
				"name": "File 3",
				"children": [{
					"name": "File 4",
					"type": "data"
				"name": "File 5",
				"children": [{
					"name": "File 6",
					"type": "data",
					"children": [
							"name": "File 7"
							"name": "File 8",
							"type": "data"

    // Set the dimensions and margins of the diagram
var margin = {top: 20, right: 90, bottom: 30, left: 90},
    width = 5000 - margin.left - margin.right,
    height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom;

// append the svg object to the body of the page
// appends a 'group' element to 'svg'
// moves the 'group' element to the top left margin
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
    .attr("width", width + margin.right + margin.left)
    .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
    .attr("transform", "translate("
          + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");

var i = 0,
    duration = 750,

// declares a tree layout and assigns the size
var treemap = d3.tree().size([height, width]);

// Assigns parent, children, height, depth
root = d3.hierarchy(treeData, function(d) { return d.children; });
root.x0 = height / 2;
root.y0 = 0;

// Collapse after the second level


// Collapse the node and all it's children
function collapse(d) {
  if(d.children) {
    d._children = d.children
    d.children = null

function update(source) {

  // Assigns the x and y position for the nodes
  var treeData = treemap(root);

  // Compute the new tree layout.
  var nodes = treeData.descendants(),
      links = treeData.descendants().slice(1);

  // Normalize for fixed-depth.
  nodes.forEach(function(d){ d.y = d.depth * 180});

  // ****************** Nodes section ***************************

  // Update the nodes...
  var node = svg.selectAll('g.node')
      .data(nodes, function(d) {return d.id || (d.id = ++i); });

  // Enter any new modes at the parent's previous position.
  var nodeEnter = node.enter().append('g')
      .attr('class', 'node')
      .attr("transform", function(d) {
        return "translate(" + source.y0 + "," + source.x0 + ")";
    .on('click', click);

  // Add Circle for the nodes
        return (!d.data.type || d.data.type !== 'data');
        .attr('class', 'node')
        .attr('r', 1e-6)
        .style("fill", function(d) {
          return d._children ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff";
        return (d.data.type && d.data.type === 'data');
        .attr('class', 'node')
        .attr('width', 20)
        .attr('height', 20)
        .attr('y', -10)
        .attr('x', -10)
        .style("fill", function(d) {
          return d._children ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff";

  // Add labels for the nodes
        .attr("dy", "2em")
        .attr("x", function(d) {
          return d.children || d._children ? 13 : 13;
        .attr("text-anchor", function(d) {
          return d.children || d._children ? "start" : "start";
        .text(function(d) {
          return d.data.name;

  var nodeUpdate = nodeEnter.merge(node);

  // Transition to the proper position for the node
    .attr("transform", function(d) { 
        return "translate(" + d.y + "," + d.x + ")";

  // Update the node attributes and style
    .attr('r', 10)
    .style("fill", function(d) {
        return d._children ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff";
    .attr('cursor', 'pointer');

  // Remove any exiting nodes
  var nodeExit = node.exit().transition()
      .attr("transform", function(d) {
          return "translate(" + source.y + "," + source.x + ")";

  // On exit reduce the node circles size to 0
    .attr('r', 1e-6);

  // On exit reduce the opacity of text labels
    .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);

  // ****************** links section ***************************

  // Update the links...
  var link = svg.selectAll('path.link')
      .data(links, function(d) { return d.id; });

  // Enter any new links at the parent's previous position.
  var linkEnter = link.enter().insert('path', "g")
      .attr("class", "link")
      .attr('d', function(d){
        var o = {x: source.x0, y: source.y0}
        return diagonal(o, o)
     .attr("id", "curve-text")
	 .attr("xlink:href", "#link")
	 .data(treeData, function(d, i){return i;})

  var linkUpdate = linkEnter.merge(link);

  // Transition back to the parent element position
      .attr('d', function(d){ return diagonal(d, d.parent) });

  // Remove any exiting links
  var linkExit = link.exit().transition()
      .attr('d', function(d) {
        var o = {x: source.x, y: source.y}
        return diagonal(o, o)

  // Store the old positions for transition.
    d.x0 = d.x;
    d.y0 = d.y;

  // Creates a curved (diagonal) path from parent to the child nodes
  function diagonal(s, d) {

    path = `M ${s.y} ${s.x}
            C ${(s.y + d.y) / 2} ${s.x},
              ${(s.y + d.y) / 2} ${d.x},
              ${d.y} ${d.x}`

    return path

  // Toggle children on click.
  function click(d) {
    if (d.children) {
        d._children = d.children;
        d.children = null;
      } else {
        d.children = d._children;
        d._children = null;



enter image description here

对于其右侧有多条路径的每个节点,顶部路径应该有一个1,随着您的下降而增加,如上图所示。我已经看过https://gist.github.com/mbostock/2565344draw text in d3 arc javascript,但无法将数字添加到图表中。

我知道您可能应该使用.append('text'),但我不确定如何将“追加”到路径中,我也不知道如何正确设置属性和文本值这个案例。对此的任何答案都应该是可扩展的 - 即,不要假设只有两条路径。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



// Enter any new links at the parent's previous position.
var linkEnter = link.enter().insert('g', 'g')
  .attr("class", "link");

  .attr('d', function(d) {
    var o = {
      x: source.x0,
      y: source.y0
    return diagonal(o, o)



.text(function(d,i) {
  if (d.parent && d.parent.children.length > 1){
    if (!d.parent.index) d.parent.index = 0;
    return ++d.parent.index;


.attr('transform', function(d){
  if (d.parent) {
    return 'translate(' + ((d.parent.y + d.y) / 2) + ',' + ((d.parent.x + d.x) / 2) + ')'


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <script data-require="d3@4.0.0" data-semver="4.0.0" src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
    .node circle {
      fill: #fff;
      stroke: steelblue;
      stroke-width: 3px;
    .node rect {
      fill: #fff;
      stroke: steelblue;
      stroke-width: 3px;
    .node text {
      font: 12px sans-serif;
    .link path {
      fill: none;
      stroke: #ccc;
      stroke-width: 2px;
    .link text {
      font: 12px sans-serif;
    .arrow {
      fill: none;
      stroke: #ccc;
      stroke-width: 1px;

    var treeData = {
      "name": "File 1",
      "children": [{
        "name": "File 2",
        "children": [{
          "name": "File 3",
          "children": [{
            "name": "File 4",
            "type": "data"
        }, {
          "name": "File 5",
          "children": [{
            "name": "File 6",
            "type": "data",
            "children": [{
              "name": "File 7"
            }, {
              "name": "File 8",
              "type": "data"

    // Set the dimensions and margins of the diagram
    var margin = {
        top: 20,
        right: 90,
        bottom: 30,
        left: 90
      width = 5000 - margin.left - margin.right,
      height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom;

    // append the svg object to the body of the page
    // appends a 'group' element to 'svg'
    // moves the 'group' element to the top left margin
    var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
      .attr("width", width + margin.right + margin.left)
      .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
      .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");

    var i = 0,
      duration = 750,

    // declares a tree layout and assigns the size
    var treemap = d3.tree().size([height, width]);

    // Assigns parent, children, height, depth
    root = d3.hierarchy(treeData, function(d) {
      return d.children;
    root.x0 = height / 2;
    root.y0 = 0;

    // Collapse after the second level


    // Collapse the node and all it's children
    function collapse(d) {
      if (d.children) {
        d._children = d.children
        d.children = null

    function update(source) {

      // Assigns the x and y position for the nodes
      var treeData = treemap(root);

      // Compute the new tree layout.
      var nodes = treeData.descendants(),
        links = treeData.descendants().slice(1);

      // Normalize for fixed-depth.
      nodes.forEach(function(d) {
        d.y = d.depth * 180

      // ****************** Nodes section ***************************

      // Update the nodes...
      var node = svg.selectAll('g.node')
        .data(nodes, function(d) {
          return d.id || (d.id = ++i);

      // Enter any new modes at the parent's previous position.
      var nodeEnter = node.enter().append('g')
        .attr('class', 'node')
        .attr("transform", function(d) {
          return "translate(" + source.y0 + "," + source.x0 + ")";
        .on('click', click);

      // Add Circle for the nodes
      nodeEnter.filter(function(d) {
          return (!d.data.type || d.data.type !== 'data');
        .attr('class', 'node')
        .attr('r', 1e-6)
        .style("fill", function(d) {
          return d._children ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff";

      nodeEnter.filter(function(d) {
          return (d.data.type && d.data.type === 'data');
        .attr('class', 'node')
        .attr('width', 20)
        .attr('height', 20)
        .attr('y', -10)
        .attr('x', -10)
        .style("fill", function(d) {
          return d._children ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff";

      // Add labels for the nodes
        .attr("dy", "2em")
        .attr("x", function(d) {
          return d.children || d._children ? 13 : 13;
        .attr("text-anchor", function(d) {
          return d.children || d._children ? "start" : "start";
        .text(function(d) {
          return d.data.name;

      // UPDATE
      var nodeUpdate = nodeEnter.merge(node);

      // Transition to the proper position for the node
        .attr("transform", function(d) {
          return "translate(" + d.y + "," + d.x + ")";

      // Update the node attributes and style
        .attr('r', 10)
        .style("fill", function(d) {
          return d._children ? "lightsteelblue" : "#fff";
        .attr('cursor', 'pointer');

      // Remove any exiting nodes
      var nodeExit = node.exit().transition()
        .attr("transform", function(d) {
          return "translate(" + source.y + "," + source.x + ")";

      // On exit reduce the node circles size to 0
        .attr('r', 1e-6);

      // On exit reduce the opacity of text labels
        .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);

      // ****************** links section ***************************

      // Update the links...
      var link = svg.selectAll('g.link')
        .data(links, function(d) {
          return d.id;

      // Enter any new links at the parent's previous position.
      var linkEnter = link.enter().insert('g', 'g')
        .attr("class", "link");
        .attr('d', function(d) {
          var o = {
            x: source.x0,
            y: source.y0
          return diagonal(o, o)

        .text(function(d,i) {
          if (d.parent && d.parent.children.length > 1){
            if (!d.parent.index) d.parent.index = 0;
            return ++d.parent.index;
        .attr('dy', "-1em");

      // UPDATE
      var linkUpdate = linkEnter.merge(link);

      // Transition back to the parent element position
        .attr('d', function(d) {
          return diagonal(d, d.parent)
        .attr('transform', function(d){
          if (d.parent) {
            return 'translate(' + ((d.parent.y + d.y) / 2) + ',' + ((d.parent.x + d.x) / 2) + ')'
      // Remove any exiting links
        d.parent.index = 0;
      var linkExit = link.exit()
        .attr('d', function(d) {
          var o = {
            x: source.x,
            y: source.y
          return diagonal(o, o)
        .style('opacity', 0);

      // Store the old positions for transition.
      nodes.forEach(function(d) {
        d.x0 = d.x;
        d.y0 = d.y;

      // Creates a curved (diagonal) path from parent to the child nodes
      function diagonal(s, d) {

        path = `M ${s.y} ${s.x}
            C ${(s.y + d.y) / 2} ${s.x},
              ${(s.y + d.y) / 2} ${d.x},
              ${d.y} ${d.x}`

        return path

      // Toggle children on click.
      function click(d) {
        if (d.children) {
          d._children = d.children;
          d.children = null;
        } else {
          d.children = d._children;
          d._children = null;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


// Select all text links
var linkText = svg.selectAll('text.link')
    .data(links, function(d) {return d.id});

// Then append the text on the enter selection
var linkEnter = linkText.enter().insert('text','g')
    .attr('x',function(d){return (d.target.x-d.source.x)/2;})
    .attr('y',function(d){return (d.target.y-d.source.y)/2;})
    .text(function(d){return d['cardinality'];});

注意:这只是添加文本元素。您还需要更新文本位置,并在删除这些链接后更新并删除它们。遵循与您拥有的path.link d3选项相同的结构。
