I have a function for clean an input (delete trim, special caractere and number) in specific file and an index who i call this function.
// In index.php
$input = format_input($_POST['name']);
// In inc/function.php
function format_input($input){
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-ZÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ\-\'\s]/';
$output = preg_replace($pattern, "", $input);
$output = trim($output);
$output = ucfirst(strtolower($output));
return $output;
if i use this function in my index, the encoding is OK, but if i use a call to this in another file, i have black losange on my regex.
the file are in utf-8 both, i don't understand why doesn't work !
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$output = ucfirst(mb_strtolower($output,'utf-8'));
$output = ucfirst(strtolower($output));