我已经将Centos 6配置为每次启动时自动登录。
stop on runlevel [S016]
instance $TTY
#exec /sbin/mingetty $TTY
exec /sbin/mingetty --autologin root $TTY
usage 'tty TTY=/dev/ttyX - where X is console id'
然后我配置了〜/ .bash_profile来运行脚本。见下文内容。
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
echo "This is one time" >/tmp/one.txt
正如您在上面所看到的,我将文本回显到文件/tmp/one.txt, 文件中的预期文本应该只出现一次。但由于某种原因,这个脚本被执行了3次。
如果我在/tmp/one.txt中显示以下-f /tmp/one.txt。它表明脚本执行了3次。
tail -f /netboot/tmp/one.txt
This is one time
tail: /netboot/tmp/one.txt: file truncated
This is one time
tail: /netboot/tmp/one.txt: file truncated
This is one time
tail: /netboot/tmp/one.txt: file truncated
This is one time
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我必须从/etc/init/tty.conf文件中删除respawn实例$ TTY。
stop on runlevel [S016]
exec /sbin/mingetty --autologin root $TTY
usage 'tty TTY=/dev/ttyX - where X is console id'
解决问题后。 /etc/init/tty.conf看起来像这样。
import scrapy
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from capterra.items import CapterraItem
class CapterraCatSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'capterra_cat'
#allowed_domains = ['http://www.capterra.com/categories']
start_urls = ['http://www.capterra.com/categories']
# rules = (
# Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'Items/'), callback='parse_item', follow=True),
# )
def parse(self, response):
for category in response.css('ol.browse-group-list'):
#Debug: only elements of one category
if category.css('a::text').extract_first() == 'Yoga Studio':
i = CapterraItem()
#Get link to detail page
i['cat_name'] = category.css('a::text').extract_first()
#join link to detail page with base url
i['cat_link'] = response.urljoin(category.css('a::attr(href)').extract_first())
cat_link = i['cat_link']
print cat_link
#call request to detail page and pass response to parse_details method with callback method
request = scrapy.Request(cat_link, callback=self.parse_details)
request.meta['item'] = i
yield request
def parse_details(self,response):
#Debug print
print 'DETAILS!'
#read your items from response meta
item = response.meta['item']
#iterate over listings
for detail in response.css('p.listing-description.milli'):
item['profile_link'] = response.urljoin(detail.css('a.spotlight-link::attr(href)').extract_first())
#call request to profile page to get more information for listing
request = scrapy.Request(item['profile_link'], callback=self.parse_profile)
#set your item to rquest metadata
request.meta['item'] = item
yield request
def parse_profile(self,response):
#Debug print
print 'PROFILE'
item = response.meta['item']
item['product_name'] = response.css('h1.beta.no-margin-bottom::text').extract_first()
item['who_uses_software'] = response.css('div.spotlight-target > p.epsilon > i::text').extract_first()
item['vendor_name'] = response.css('h2.spotlight-vendor-name > span::text').extract_first()
return item