我试图将几张图片分成几张。它工作得很好,但主要问题是结果可能包含黑色,变成透明......请帮忙! :)
// I get the image to split and dimensions
$source = @imagecreatefrompng('images/'."full_to_split.png");
$source_width = imagesx( $source );
$source_height = imagesy( $source );
// Setting alpha for transparency
imageAlphaBlending($source, true);
imageSaveAlpha($source, true);
// I will split the image vertically by height of 100px
$width = $source_width;
$height = 100;
for( $row = 0; $row < $source_height / $height; $row++)
// I get the template image (a "part") which is a 100px height and full width of the source image
$fn_d = sprintf( 'images/'."part_%02d.png", $row+1 );
$destination = imagecreatefrompng($fn_d);
imagecopyresampled( $destination, $source, 0, 0,
0, $row * $height, $width, $height,
$width, $height );
imagepng( $destination, $fn_d );
imagedestroy( $destination );
如果我在$ destination上使用alpha混合,我就不再具有透明度(它会变黑)。
我尝试使用imagecopyresized和imagecopyresampled ......这让我很紧张:p