
时间:2017-01-10 16:02:31

标签: java object

我正在尝试在Java中实现后缀trie。 trie有一个根节点,并连接到它是边缘。但是,当实现诸如constructTrie(T)(构造给定字符串T的trie)或substring(S,T)(检查S是否是T的子字符串)之类的函数时,我保持当前节点cNode整个代码的变化取决于我正在考虑的节点。


import java.util.*;

class Trie{

    protected Node root = null;

    public Trie(){
        Node n = new Node();
        root = n;

    // Constructs a trie for a given string T
    public void constructTrie(String T){
        ArrayList<String> suffixArray = new ArrayList<String>();
        T += "#"; // Terminator
        int length = T.length();
        // Creates suffix array and removes first letter with every iteration
        for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
            T = T.substring(1); 

        // Goes through suffix array
        for(int i=0; i<length; i++){  
            Node cNode = null; 
            cNode = root; // Current node
            int j = 0;
            // Goes through each letter of an entry in the suffix array
            while(j < (suffixArray.get(i)).length()){ 
                int index = cNode.findEdge((suffixArray.get(i)).charAt(j));
                // If an edge is found at the root with the current letter, update cNode and remove the letter from word
                if(index != -1){
                    cNode = cNode.getEdge(index).getNode(); // Gets node pointed at by edge and sets it as current node
                    String replace = (suffixArray.get(i)).substring(1);
                    suffixArray.set(0, replace); // Erases first letter of suffix
                    System.out.println(i + " " + j +  " " + replace);
                // If an edge is not found at the root, write the whole word
                    for(int k=0; k<(suffixArray.get(i)).length(); k++){
                        Edge e = new Edge((suffixArray.get(i)).charAt(k)); // Creates edge with current letter of current entry of the suffix array
                        Node n = new Node(); // Creates node to be pointed at by edge
                        cNode = n; // Updates current node
                    j = (suffixArray.get(i)).length(); // If the word is written, we break from the while and move on to the next suffix array entry

    // Checks if S is a substring of T
    public boolean substring(String S, String T){
        Node cNode = null;
        cNode = root;

        int index;
        for(int i=0; i<S.length(); i++){
            index = cNode.findEdge(S.charAt(i));
            if(index == -1)
                return false; // Substring was not found because a path was not followed
            cNode = (cNode.getEdge(index)).getNode(); // Reset current node to the next node in the path
        return true; // Substring was found

具体来说,我是否允许将Node root = null设置为类变量,在创建Trie类型的对象时初始化root并更改cNode,如方法中所示?代码编译时没有错误,但是在测试时它并不总是输出正确的响应,例如在测试时,它输出“&#39; es&#39;不是&#39;害虫的子串。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



 Trie t = new Trie("My String");

 boolean startsWithMy = t.substring("My");
 boolean startsWithMyString = t.substring("My String");



public class Trie {
     private final Node root;

     public Trie(String input) {
         // Construct the Trie here and assign it to root:
         this.root = constructTry(input);

     public boolean substring(String part) {
         // Create a local Node variable:
         Node currentNode = root;

         // Navigate the Trie here using currentNode:
         // ...

         return result;


public Trie subTrie(String part) {
    // Find the Node here that matches the substring part, and return it.
    // If nothing found, then throw NoSuchElementException or return null.

    Node subNode = findNode(part);

    if (subNode == null) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException("No element starting with: " + part);

    // Constructs a new Trie with a different root node using a 2nd constructor option
    return new Trie(subNode); 

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您正在通过向其添加垃圾来更改根节点的引用。 假设你这样做:

 Trie trie = new Trie();
 trie.substring("es", "pest"); // this returns true. 


 Trie trie = new Trie();
 trie.substring("es", "pest");  
 trie.substring("te", "Master"); 

您对Substring的第二次调用将在您上次呼叫离开的地方继续。你的root已经被初始化了,并且包含了一个词&#34; pest&#34; root(p, e, s, t, #)。在第二次通话后,而不是按预期root(M, a, s, t, e, r, #),您最终得到root(p, e, s, t, #, M, a, r)。这是一个完全不同的词。因此te不是pest#Mar的子字符串。

但如果按照@ john16384实施,你将被迫做以下事情,以消除副作用:

 Trie trie = new Trie("pest");
 trie.substring("es"); // this returns true. 

 trie = new Trie("Master");
 trie.substring("te") // this returns true. 


 class Trie {

protected Node root = null;

public Trie(String T) {
    root = constructTrie(T);

// Constructs a trie for a given string T
private Node constructTrie(String T) {
    ArrayList<String> suffixArray = new ArrayList<String>();
    T += "#"; // Terminator
    int length = T.length();
    // Creates suffix array and removes first letter with every iteration
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        T = T.substring(1);
    Node localRoot = new Node();
    // Goes through suffix array
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Node cNode = localRoot;
        int j = 0;
        // Goes through each letter of an entry in the suffix array
        while (j < (suffixArray.get(i)).length()) {
            int index = cNode.findEdge((suffixArray.get(i)).charAt(j));
            // If an edge is found at the root with the current letter, update cNode and remove the letter from word
            if (index != -1) {
                cNode = cNode.getEdge(index).getNode(); // Gets node pointed at by edge and sets it as current node
                String replace = (suffixArray.get(i)).substring(1);
                suffixArray.set(0, replace); // Erases first letter of suffix
                System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + replace);
            // If an edge is not found at the root, write the whole word
            else {
                for (int k = 0; k < (suffixArray.get(i)).length(); k++) {
                    Edge e = new Edge((suffixArray.get(i)).charAt(k)); // Creates edge with current letter of current entry of the suffix array
                    Node n = new Node(); // Creates node to be pointed at by edge
                    cNode = n; // Updates current node
                j = (suffixArray.get(i)).length(); // If the word is written, we break from the while and move on to the next suffix array entry
    return localRoot;

// Checks if S is a substring of T
public boolean substring(String S) {
    Node cNode = root;
    int index;
    for (int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++) {
        index = cNode.findEdge(S.charAt(i));
        if (index == -1)
            return false; // Substring was not found because a path was not followed
        cNode = (cNode.getEdge(index)).getNode(); // Reset current node to the next node in the path
    return true; // Substring was found