因此,如果样本>我修改了我的代码以查看901个样本的连续块中的整个数据。 901。
然而,我使用了相当天真的技术并且确信这可以变得更有效和更健壮:(1)我需要一个条件,如果样本是< 900,不要大块; (2)当我附加分块数据时,处理x和y值的重复; (3)使算法更有效,快速和稳健。
import UIKit
import Accelerate.vecLib.LinearAlgebra
public class Resample {
public class func resample(xi: [Double], xii: [Double], a: [Double]) ->[Double]
// xi - original time stamps (original x)
// xii - desired time stamps (desired x)
// a - orignal y values
// ->[Double] - interpolated y values
let ni = xii.count // Desired x count
let n = xi.count // Actual x count
var h: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n-1)
for j in 0..<n-1 {
h[j] = (xi[j+1] - xi[j])
var A: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:(n)*(n))
A[0] = 1.0
A[(n*n)-1] = 1.0
for i in 1..<(n-1) {
A[(n+1)*i-1] = h[i-1]
A[(n+1)*i] = 2*(h[i-1] + h[i])
A[(n+1)*i+1] = h[i]
var b: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n)
for i in 1..<n-1 {
b[i] = (3/h[i])*(a[i+1]-a[i]) - (3/h[i-1])*(a[i]-a[i-1])
let matA = la_matrix_from_double_buffer(A, la_count_t(n), la_count_t(n), la_count_t(n), la_hint_t(LA_NO_HINT), la_attribute_t(LA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES))
let vecB = la_matrix_from_double_buffer(b, la_count_t(n), 1, 1, la_hint_t(LA_NO_HINT), la_attribute_t(LA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES))
let vecCj = la_solve(matA, vecB)
var cj: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: n)
let status = la_matrix_to_double_buffer(&cj, 1, vecCj)
if status == la_status_t(LA_SUCCESS) {
else {
print("Failure: \(status)")
var bj: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n-1)
for i in 0..<n-1 {
bj[i] = (1/h[i])*(a[i+1]-a[i]) - (1/3*h[i])*(2*cj[i]+cj[i+1])
var dj: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n-1)
for i in 0..<n-1 {
dj[i] = (1/(3*h[i])) * (cj[i+1]-cj[i])
var P: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: (n-1)*4)
for i in 0..<n-1 {
P[(i*4)] = dj[i]
P[(i*4)+1] = cj[i]
P[(i*4)+2] = bj[i]
P[(i*4)+3] = a[i]
var ai: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: ni)
var jl = Double(1)
for i in 0..<ni {
let inter = Double(xii[i])
while (inter > xi[Int(jl)] && (Int(jl) < n)) {
jl += 1
let ind = 4*Int(jl)-4
var pp = Array(P[ind...ind+3])
let xx = Double(xii[i]-xi[Int(jl)-1])
ai[i] = pp[0]*pow(xx, 3) + pp[1]*pow(xx, 2) + pp[2]*xx + pp[3]
// Calling the Re-sampler FUNCTION
let x = Array(stride(from: 0, through: 16649, by: 1.0)) // Orig X (Given, say)
let y = Array(stride(from: 0, through: 16649, by: 1.0)) // Orig Y (Given, say)
let f = 2.0 // Hz (Desired Sampling Freq., say)
let g = Array(stride(from: 0, through: x.count-1, by: 900))
// Helper array for chunking (901 samples each time, say)
var xxx = [Double]() // Results for appended chunks X
var yyy = [Double]() // Results for appended chunks Y
for i in 0..<g.count-1 { // loop through
let xc = Array(x[Int(g[i])...Int(g[i+1])]) // x chunk (count = 901)
let yc = Array(y[Int(g[i])...Int(g[i+1])]) // y chunk (count = 901)
let xci = Array(stride(from: xc[0], through: xc[xc.count-1], by: 1.0/f))
// Desired time stamps for chunk of 901 samples
let yci = Resample.resample(xi: xc, xii: xci, a: yc) // Interpolate chunk
xxx += xci // Append interpolation X
yyy += yci // Append interpolation X
// If helper function last index < original no. of samples
let glb = (Int(g[g.count-1])) // last chunk begin index
let gle = (x.count) // last chunk end index
let xce = Array(x[glb...gle-1]) // last x chunk
let yce = Array(y[glb...gle-1]) // last y chunk
let xcei = Array(stride(from: xce[0], through: xce[xce.count-1], by: 1.0/f))
// Desired time stamps for last chunk of samples
let ycei = Resample.resample(xi: xce, xii: xcei, a: yce) // Interpolate last chunk
xxx += xcei // Append interpolation X for last chunk
yyy += ycei // Append interpolation X for last chunk
print(xxx) // would like to identify repeated x values and remove them
print(yyy) // remove y values corresponsding to repated x values (as found above)
// Calling the Re-sampler FUNCTION
答案 0 :(得分:4)
请注意,您正在寻找使用二进制搜索的每个 ind
jl = 1 //before cycle
//inside cycle
while (current_x > xi[jl]) and (jl < n)
ind = 4 * jl - 4
吗?如果是,那么您最好使用三维对角系统的专用方法(立方复杂度与线性复杂度)。 Classic text。 Python implementation。 Wiki。这对于长输入数组很重要。