时间:2010-11-11 03:25:58

标签: f# parser-combinators


open LazyList 

type State<'a, 'b> (input:LazyList<'a>, data:'b) =
    member this.Input = input
    member this.Data = data

type Result<'a, 'b, 'c> =
| Success of 'c * State<'a, 'b>
| Failure of string * State<'a, 'b>

type Parser<'a,'b, 'c> = State<'a, 'b> -> Result<'a, 'b, 'c>

let (>>=) left right state =
    match left state with
    | Success (result, state) -> (right result) state
    | Failure (message, _) -> Result<'a, 'b, 'd>.Failure (message, state)

let (<|>) left right state =
    match left state with
    | Success (_, _) as result -> result
    | Failure (_, _) -> right state

let (|>>) parser transform state =
    match parser state with
    | Success (result, state) -> Success (transform result, state)
    | Failure (message, _) -> Failure (message, state)

let (<?>) parser errorMessage state =
    match parser state with
    | Success (_, _) as result -> result
    | Failure (_, _) -> Failure (errorMessage, state)                     

type ParseMonad() =
    member this.Bind (f, g) = f >>= g
    member this.Return x s = Success(x, s)
    member this.Zero () s = Failure("", s)                           
    member this.Delay (f:unit -> Parser<_,_,_>) = f()

let parse = ParseMonad()



let (>>=) left right state =
    seq {
        for res in left state do
            match res with
            | Success(v, s) ->
                let v  = 
                    right v s 
                    |> List.tryFind (
                        fun res -> 
                            match res with 
                            | Success (_, _) -> true 
                            | _ -> false
                match v with
                | Some v -> yield v
                | None -> ()
    } |> Seq.toList

let (<|>) left right state = 
    left state @ right state



let (>>=) left right state =
    let rec readRight lst =
        match lst with
        | Cons (x, xs) ->
            match x with
            | Success (r, s) as q -> LazyList.ofList [q]                     
            | Failure (m, s) -> readRight xs
        | Nil -> LazyList.empty<Result<'a, 'b, 'd>>
    let rec readLeft lst =
        match lst with
        | Cons (x, xs) ->
            match x with
            | Success (r, s) -> 
                match readRight (right r s) with 
                | Cons (x, xs) ->
                    match x with
                    | Success (r, s) as q -> LazyList.ofList [q]                     
                    | Failure (m, s) -> readRight xs
                | Nil -> readLeft xs   
            | Failure (m, s) -> readLeft xs
        | Nil -> LazyList.empty<Result<'a, 'b, 'd>>
    readLeft (left state)

let (<|>) (left:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (right:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) state = 
    LazyList.delayed (fun () -> left state) 
    |> LazyList.append 
    <| LazyList.delayed (fun () -> right state)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




let! s1 = (str "ab" <|> str "a")
let! s2 = str "bcd"



member x.Combine(a, b) = a <|> b
member x.ReturnFrom(p) = p


let rec many p acc = 
  parser { let! r = p                  // Parse 'p' at least once
           return! many p (r::acc)     // Try parsing 'p' multiple times
           return r::acc |> List.rev } // If fails, return the result