
时间:2017-01-06 16:56:30

标签: c#

我正在使用旧的(.NET 1)API,我无法改变。 API没有接口。我有一个基类(Pet),其具有基本上“相同”方法(Cat)的具体类(ParrotGetLegs())。我希望我的帮助类“消除”并使用实例的类型调用方法。我想避免反思。


namespace TheApi
    public class Pet

    public class Cat : Pet
        public string[] GetLegs() =>
            new[] { "Front left", "Front right", "Back left", "Back right" };

    public class Parrot : Pet
        public string[] GetLegs() =>
            new[] { "Left", "Right" };

namespace MyApp
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using NUnit.Framework;
    using TheApi;
    public static class Helper
        public static string[] GetLegsFor(Pet pet)
            return MapTypeToGetter[pet.GetType()](pet);

        private static Dictionary<Type, Func<Pet, string[]>> MapTypeToGetter =>
            new Dictionary<Type, Func<Pet, string[]>>
                [typeof(Cat)] = p => ((Cat)p).GetLegs(),
                [typeof(Parrot)] = p => ((Parrot)p).GetLegs()

    public class Tests
        public void Test()
            Pet bird = new Parrot();
            var legs = Helper.GetLegsFor(bird);

            var expectedLegs = new[] { "Left", "Right" };
            Assert.That(legs, Is.EqualTo(expectedLegs));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




namespace PetesExtensions 
  public static class PetExtensions 
    public static string[] GetLegs(this Pet pet)
      if (pet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pet");
      if (pet is Cat) return ((Cat)pet).GetLegs();
      if (pet is Parrot) return ((Parrot)pet).GetLegs();
      throw new Exception(
        $"I don't know how to get the legs of a {pet.GetType().Name}. Contact Pete Moloy.");


using PetesExtensions;
Pet p = whatever;
string[] legs = p.GetLegs();