VBA运行时错误' 1004'

时间:2017-01-06 15:33:13

标签: excel vba excel-vba macros


        Workbooks("getVendorChecks.xlsm").Worksheets(Sheet1).Cells(m, 1) = agency

宏会浏览一系列文件夹并在每个文件夹中打开文件(只有一个文件夹),从文件中获取一些数据,然后将其粘贴到宏工作簿中。 agency是一个String变量,它包含文件夹名称,我也希望粘贴它,但由于某种原因,它会导致错误。


Option Compare Text

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim vendor As String, m As Integer

m = 4

'set vendor to user's choice and add wildcards
vendor = Cells(2, 5).Value
vendor = "*" & vendor & "*"

'clear the contents
Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A4:Z100000").ClearContents

'pull releases from each media, passing the vendor chosen
enterHeldSheets "\CABLE\", vendor, m

End Sub
Sub enterHeldSheets(media As String, vendor As String, m As Integer)

Dim HostFolder As String, subFolder As Object, r As Integer
Dim agency As String, book As String, path As String
Dim FileSystem As Object, FileFolder As Object

HostFolder = Workbooks("getVendorChecks.xlsm").path & media

Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FileFolder = FileSystem.GetFolder(HostFolder)

'go through each subFolder
For Each subFolder In FileFolder.SubFolders

    agency = subFolder.name
    book = Dir(HostFolder & agency & "\*.xl*")
    path = HostFolder & agency & "\" & book
    Workbooks.Open (path)

    'handling S&C exception
    If agency = "Saatchi & Conill" Then
    m = pullChecks(agency, book, "SAA CHECKS", vendor, m)
    m = pullChecks(agency, book, "CNL CHECKS", vendor, m)

    m = pullChecks(agency, book, "CHECKS", vendor, m)
    End If

    Workbooks(book).Close False

Next subFolder

End Sub

Function pullChecks(agency As String, book As String, checkTab As String, vendor As String, m As Integer) As Integer

Dim column As String, i As Integer
Dim j As Integer, k As Integer, g As Integer
Dim checks() As String, count As Long, flag As String
Dim name As String, count2 As Long, compare As Boolean

    'remove filters
    If Workbooks(book).Worksheets(checkTab).FilterMode Then
    End If

    flag = "False"
    k = 1
    i = 1
    g = 1

    'Finding the Vendor Name column
    Do While flag <> "True"
        column = Workbooks(book).Worksheets(checkTab).Cells(1, k).Value
        If column = "VENDOR ACCOUNT" Or column = "VENDOR NAME" Then
            flag = "True"
            flag = "False"
            k = k + 1
        End If


   'resize checks()
    count = Workbooks(book).Worksheets(checkTab).Cells(Rows.count, k).End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim checks(1 To count, 1 To 13)

    'goes through each Vendor column entry looking to see if
    'it's what the user wanted. if yes, then print onto the workbook
    For j = 2 To count
        name = Workbooks(book).Worksheets(checkTab).Cells(j, k).Value
        compare = name Like vendor
        If compare Then
            Workbooks("getVendorChecks.xlsm").Worksheets("Raw Data").Cells(m, 1) = agency
            m = m + 1
        End If

    Next j

pullReleases = m
End Function

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