带有Drive REST API

时间:2017-01-05 14:24:09

标签: google-drive-api

更新:此问题似乎已得到解决。有关详细信息,请参阅bug tracker report

我在通过Drive REST API(v3)获取文件列表请求时遇到了一些困难 内部服务器错误(错误代码500.)我试图使用nameappProperties键调用 排序顺序为files().list()name的搜索条件中的createdTime。 (这是"案例1" in 下面的代码。)我正在使用的语法记录为here

为了解决问题,我采用了Google Drive API> REST Android快速入门项目 找到here并对其进行了一些修改 getDataFromApi方法,如下面的代码块所示。

使用搜索条件和排序顺序字段的各种组合有六个测试用例。有些查询成功了 其他人用服务器代码500失败并且一次失败。这些结果在运行Android 7.0的模拟器上是一致的 使用API​​ 24.我的问题源自早期版本。


         private List<String> getDataFromApi() throws IOException {
            // Get a list of up to 10 files.
            List<String> fileInfo = new ArrayList<String>();

/*          Case 1: Crashes with following error:
             500 Internal Server Error
              "code" : 500,
              "errors" : [ {
              "domain" : "global",
              "message" : "Internal Error",
              "reason" : "internalError"
              "message" : "Internal Error"
             } */
            String query = "name contains 'Test' and not appProperties has {key='X' and value='Y'}";
            String orderBy = "name, createdTime";

//            Case 2: Succeeds and lists files.
//            Like case 1, but "createdTime is dropped in sort order.
//            String query = "name contains 'Test' and not appProperties has {key='X' and value='Y'}";
//            String orderBy = "name";

//            Case 3: Succeeds and lists files.
//            Like case 1, but appProperties criteria is dropped.
//            String query = "name contains 'Test'";
//            String orderBy = "name, createdTime";

//            Case 4: Times out.
//            Like case 1, but the name criteria is dropped.
//            String query = "not appProperties has {key='X' and value='Y'}";
//            String orderBy = "name, createdTime";

//            Case 5: Errors out like case 1.
//            Like case 4, but the selection query is inverted.
//            String query = "appProperties has {key='X' and value='Y'}";
//            String orderBy = "name, createdTime";

//            Case 6: Succeeds and lists files.
//            Like case 4, but name is dropped in sort order.
//            final String query = "not appProperties has {key='X' and value='Y'}";
//            final String orderBy = "createdTime";

            FileList result = mService.files().list()
                    .setFields("nextPageToken, files(id, name)")
                    // following was added
                    // end added code
            List<File> files = result.getFiles();
            if (files != null) {
                for (File file : files) {
                    fileInfo.add(String.format("%s (%s)\n",
                            file.getName(), file.getId()));
            return fileInfo;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




答案 1 :(得分:0)


很多500个错误都是GDrive中的错误,其中无效(或偶尔,偶数) 有效的)请求正在被错误地处理。我建议您使用https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/reference/files/list#try-it来确保您的查询字符串正确形成,引用等等。