
时间:2017-01-05 10:12:57

标签: vb.net wcf


我有一个用vb.net和Application_Start编写的Web API,我希望能够看到服务的运行位置(例如:http://localhost:57851)。这可能吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Friend Shared HostName As String = String.Empty
Friend Shared IPAddress As String = String.Empty


Shared Sub GetHostInfo()
    ' Get the sites section from the AppPool.config 
    Dim Section As Administration.ConfigurationSection = Administration.WebConfigurationManager.GetSection(Nothing, Nothing, "system.applicationHost/sites")

    For Each Site As Administration.ConfigurationElement In Section.GetCollection
        ' Find the right Site in the collection...
        If Site("name").ToString.Equals(HostingEnvironment.SiteName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
            ' For each binding see if they are http based and return the port and protocol 
            For Each Binding As Administration.ConfigurationElement In Site.GetCollection("bindings")
                If Binding("protocol").ToString.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                    ' IP is first of 3 colon-delimited parts, so just split on colon
                    ' Example: (IP:Port:Host)
                    With Split(Binding("bindingInformation").ToString, ":")
                        IPAddress = .GetValue(0).ToString
                        HostName = .GetValue(2).ToString

                        ' We found our site and got our bindings, so we can bail out
                        Exit Sub
                    End With
                End If

            ' We found our site but if we got this far, no HTTP(S) binding was found
            ' This should not happen in production...might happen in localhost testing
            Exit Sub
        End If

    ' We never found our site...this should not happen in production...might happen in localhost testing
End Sub