原谅我的英语。使用Internet Explorer的VBA Automation,我想从pinkoi.com发送消息。
Sub test()
Dim ie As Object 'SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call login(ie) 'just for login
Call show_the_form(ie) 'My problem in here
End Sub
Sub login(ie)
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate "https://www.pinkoi.com/user/testpkko"
Do While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Dim anchorTags As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Set anchorTags = ie.document.GetElementsByTagName("A")
Dim oAnchorLoop As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLAnchorElement
For Each oAnchorLoop In anchorTags
Dim anchorText As String
anchorText = oAnchorLoop.Text
If anchorText = ChrW(20659) & ChrW(36865) & ChrW(35338) & ChrW(24687) Then
Dim oAnchorLogon As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLAnchorElement2
Set oAnchorLogon = oAnchorLoop
Exit For
End If
Do While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
'* so now logon form should be visible
On Error Resume Next
Dim oUserNameInput As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLInputElement
Set oUserNameInput = ie.document.getElementById("n-login-id")
nowtime = Timer
Do While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState <> 4 Or oUserNameInput Is Nothing
If Timer - nowtime > 1 Then Exit Do 'Already logoin
Set oUserNameInput = ie.document.getElementById("n-login-id")
oUserNameInput.Value = "testpkko"
Dim oUserPassword As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLInputElement
Set oUserPassword = ie.document.getElementById("n-login-password")
oUserPassword.Value = "abc123"
Dim oListElement As Object 'MSHTML.HTMLLIElement
Set oListElement = oUserNameInput.parentElement
Dim oUnorderedList As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLUListElement
Set oUnorderedList = oListElement.parentElement
Dim oForm As Object 'MSHTML.IHTMLFormElement
Set oForm = oUnorderedList.parentElement
Dim oSubmitInputElememt As Object 'MSHTML.HTMLInputElement
Set oSubmitInputElememt = Nothing
Dim lFormChildrenLoop As Long
For lFormChildrenLoop = 1 To oForm.all.Length
If oForm.elements.Item(lFormChildrenLoop).Type = "submit" Then
Set oSubmitInputElememt = oForm.elements.Item(lFormChildrenLoop)
Exit For
End If
Next lFormChildrenLoop
If Not oSubmitInputElememt Is Nothing Then
'Stop '* get ready .....
Do While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
End If
End Sub
Sub show_the_form(ie)
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:03")
ie.Navigate "https://en.pinkoi.com/user/testpkko2" 'After login we can trip to other people website
Do While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
With ie.document
On Error Resume Next
For Each E In .GetElementsByTagName("A")
a = E.Text
If CStr(a) = "Message" Then
E.Click 'After Click I want to send a message
'how can I input Subject and body and select file to upload?
'And I want to learn how to do this , Very thanks.
End If
End With
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
抱歉,我们对你投了反对,试试看。如果我们单击您指定的锚点,但我需要使用Unicode字符逻辑。其余的只是导航DOM。我已将默认用户名和密码设为&#34; hello&#34;和&#34;世界&#34;。
var contar = 0; //counter value
var pausa = false;
function passar(){ //function that changes the image
$(".img").attr('src', 'imagens/'+contar+'.jpg'); //the image is from 1.jpg to 4.jpg
setInterval(function(){ //setinterval to use the function "passar" to change image
if(contar<=4) { //my limit of images on the html
contar = 0;
}, 2000);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
ie.document.all("title").Value = "subject"
ie.document.all("description").Value = "Body"
For Each e In ie.document.GetElementsByTagName("INPUT")
a = e.Type
If CStr(a) = "submit" Then e.Click
但是点击选择文件后,它将没有响应,程序将停止 有没有人可以使用vba来选择文件?