
时间:2017-01-04 05:33:26

标签: haskell type-families deriving


Microsoft Visual Studio


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

import Data.Text as T
import Data.Int (Int64)

type family Incoming validationResult baseType
type instance Incoming Validated baseType = baseType
type instance Incoming ValidationErrors baseType = Either [T.Text] baseType

data Validated
data ValidationErrors

data Tag = Tag {unTag :: T.Text} deriving (Eq, Show)

data NewTag f = NewTag
    ntClientId :: Incoming f Int64
  , ntTag :: Incoming f Tag

deriving instance (Show baseType) => Show (Incoming Validated baseType)
deriving instance (Show baseType) => Show (Incoming ValidationErrors baseType)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



deriving instance (Show baseType, i ~ Incoming Validated baseType) => Show i
deriving instance (Show baseType, i ~ Incoming ValidationErrors baseType) => Show i


那就是说,我不确定是否还有什么可以解决的 - 只是摆脱衍生线。您希望第一个归结为:在给定Show basetype约束(完全没有意义)的情况下派生Show basetype的实例。第二个同样毫无意义 - Either已经有Show的实例。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


Incoming Validated        (Either [T.Text] Int) ~ Either [T.Text] Int
Incoming ValidationErrors Int                   ~ Either [T.Text] Int

现在,如果你想要一个Show (Either [T.Text] Int),你有三个选择:

instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) -- from Prelude
instance Show baseType    => Show (Incoming Validated baseType)
instance Show baseType    => Show (Incoming ValidationErrors baseType)

其中任何一个都是有效的实例,GHC需要实例的全局唯一性。实际上,问题在于类型族不是单射的,因此只是因为您知道需要instance TyCls A,GHC无法生成会产生TyFam B1 B2 B3的应用程序A - 这样的应用程序甚至可能不是唯一的!


  1. 您真的需要Show个实例吗?也许您需要的就是想要使用它的函数的Show 约束。例如:

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
    -- But not FlexibleInstances
    deriving instance (Show (Incoming f Int64), Show (Incoming f Tag))
      => Show (NewTag f)


  2. 您真的希望Incoming事物与基类型无法区分吗?如果没有,你可以在这里使用GADT:

    {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleInstances #-}
    -- ...
    data Incoming :: * -> * -> * where
      IncomingValidated        :: baseType
                               -> Incoming Validated baseType
      IncomingValidationErrors :: Either [T.Text] baseType
                               -> Incoming ValidationErrors baseType
    -- ...
    deriving instance Show (NewTag Validated)
    deriving instance Show (NewTag ValidationErrors)
  3. 这里的缺点是双重的:首先,你必须在你使用这些的地方进行模式匹配;第二,你不能(至少在GHC 7.10上)对GADT StandaloneDeriving实例使用Show,你需要手工编写它们:

        -- deriving instance Show baseType => Show (Incoming Validated baseType)
        instance Show baseType => Show (Incoming Validated baseType) where
          show (IncomingValidated bt) = "IncomingValidated " ++ show bt
        -- deriving instance Show baseType => Show (Incoming ValidationErrors baseType)
        instance Show baseType => Show (Incoming ValidationErrors baseType) where
          show (IncomingValidationErrors e) = "IncomingValidationErrors " ++ show e


    另一个注意事项:在现代(7.10 +)GHC中,我们可以清理代码中的某些内容。现在,您有两个地方,您的代码允许太多的灵活性。

    1. 您可以考虑NewTag BoolNewTag ()类型的值,或......。
    2. Incoming类型系列打开 - 任何人都可以添加type instance Incoming Bool baseType = Maybe baseTypeIncoming () () = Int或......
    3. 您只想在那里考虑ValidatedValidationErrors,并且您已经编写了所有可能的类型系列实例! GHC提供了两个用于改进此功能的功能:DataKinds和封闭式系列。对于封闭式家庭,您可以写

      type family Incoming validationResult baseType where
        Incoming Validated        baseType = baseType
        Incoming ValidationErrors baseType = Either [T.Text] baseType

      现在,已关闭 - 其他人无法添加新案例。这解决了#2。

      对于#1,如果我们打开DataKinds,GHC会自动将我们的值构造函数提升到类型级别!就像我们拥有Int :: *一样,我们有'False :: Bool - '向GHC表明我们处于类型级别。添加此功能如下所示:

      {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
      -- ...
      data ValidationResult = Validated | ValidationErrors
                            deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
      ---- EITHER:
      ---- Option (1), with a type family
      -- The only change here is to add tick marks!
      type family Incoming validationResult baseType where
        Incoming 'Validated        baseType = baseType
        Incoming 'ValidationErrors baseType = Either [T.Text] baseType
      ---- OR:
      ---- Option (2), with a GADT
      -- Here, we change the kind signature and add tick marks
      data Incoming :: ValidationResult -> * -> * where
          IncomingValidated        :: baseType
                                   -> Incoming 'Validated baseType
          IncomingValidationErrors :: Either [T.Text] baseType
                                   -> Incoming 'ValidationErrors baseType

      我们还可以根据需要添加种类签名 - type family Incoming (validationResult :: ValidationResult) (baseType :: *) :: * where …data NewTag (f :: ValidationResult) = …,但这些会被推断出来,因此是可选的。


      type Validated        = 'Validated
      type ValidationErrors = 'ValidationErrors

      好的,还有一个类型级别有趣的东西,因为我无法抗拒:-)让我们再次考虑选项(1),类型系列。我们必须在任何地方提供这个恼人的(Show (Incoming f Int64), Show (Incoming f Tag))约束,这有点笨重,特别是如果我们想要抽象它 - 生成一个Eq实例,它是相同的,但用Eq代替Show。如果还有更多字段会怎么样?


      {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
      import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
      type NewTagFieldsAre (c :: * -> Constraint) f =
        (c (Incoming f Int64), c (Incoming f Tag))


      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Eq   f => Eq   (NewTag f)
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Ord  f => Ord  (NewTag f)
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Show f => Show (NewTag f)
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Read f => Read (NewTag f)



      {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies,
                   ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, StandaloneDeriving #-}
      import Data.Text as T
      import Data.Int (Int64)
      import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
      data Tag = Tag { unTag :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
      data ValidationResult = Validated | ValidationErrors
                            deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
      type family Incoming (vres :: ValidationResult) (base :: *) :: * where
        Incoming 'Validated        base = base
        Incoming 'ValidationErrors base = Either [T.Text] base
      data NewTag f = NewTag { ntClientId :: Incoming f Int64
                             , ntTag      :: Incoming f Tag }
      type NewTagFieldsAre (c :: * -> Constraint) f =
        (c (Incoming f Int64), c (Incoming f Tag))
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Eq   f => Eq   (NewTag f)
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Ord  f => Ord  (NewTag f)
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Show f => Show (NewTag f)
      deriving instance NewTagFieldsAre Read f => Read (NewTag f)


      {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, DataKinds,
                   StandaloneDeriving #-}
      import Data.Text as T
      import Data.Int (Int64)
      data Tag = Tag { unTag :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
      data ValidationResult = Validated | ValidationErrors
                            deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
      data Incoming :: ValidationResult -> * -> * where
        IncomingValidated        :: base
                                 -> Incoming Validated base
        IncomingValidationErrors :: Either [T.Text] base
                                 -> Incoming ValidationErrors base
      instance Eq base => Eq (Incoming Validated base) where
        IncomingValidated x == IncomingValidated y = x == y
      instance Eq base => Eq (Incoming ValidationErrors base) where
        IncomingValidationErrors ex == IncomingValidationErrors ey = ex == ey
      instance Ord base => Ord (Incoming Validated base) where
        IncomingValidated x `compare` IncomingValidated y = x `compare` y
      instance Ord base => Ord (Incoming ValidationErrors base) where
        IncomingValidationErrors ex `compare` IncomingValidationErrors ey = ex `compare` ey
      instance Show base => Show (Incoming Validated base) where
        show (IncomingValidated x) = "IncomingValidated " ++ show x
      instance Show base => Show (Incoming ValidationErrors base) where
        show (IncomingValidationErrors ex) = "IncomingValidationErrors " ++ show ex
      -- `Show` properly handling precedence, along with the `Read` instance, are left
      -- as an exercise for the interested reader.
      data NewTag f = NewTag { ntClientId :: Incoming f Int64
                             , ntTag      :: Incoming f Tag }
      deriving instance Eq   (NewTag Validated)
      deriving instance Eq   (NewTag ValidationErrors)
      deriving instance Ord  (NewTag Validated)
      deriving instance Ord  (NewTag ValidationErrors)
      deriving instance Show (NewTag Validated)
      deriving instance Show (NewTag ValidationErrors)
