
时间:2017-01-03 23:01:13

标签: javascript ember.js ember-data ember-testing ember-validations




我的测试 - 更易于理解

import Ember from "ember";
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import startApp from 'my-app/tests/helpers/start-app';

module('Acceptance | customer', {
    setup() {
        this.application = startApp();

        this.createCustomer = function (unique) {
            // The process of creating a customer...
            return wait();
        this.editCustomer = function (unique) {
            // The process of editing a customer
            return wait();
    teardown() {, 'destroy');

// This test doesn't do anything except visit the root url. If I comment out or skip this test, the next test passes. Otherwise, the next test fails.
test(` loads`, () => {

    andThen(() => {

test('a customer can be managed', function (assert) {
    const UNIQUE = //Some method for getting a unique string;


    // Go to the home page

    // Create a customer
    andThen(() => this.createCustomer(UNIQUE));

    // Assert that creation was successful
    andThen(() => {
        assert.ok('Some criteria that determines that the customer was created');

    // Edit the customer
    andThen(() => this.editCustomer(UNIQUE));

    // Assert that we successfully edited the customer
    andThen(() => {
        assert.ok('Some criteria that determines that the customer was edited');

我的验证员 - 为了更容易理解而变得更通用

import Ember from 'ember';
import ValidationsMixin from 'some-mixin';

export default Ember.Object.extend(ValidationsMixin, {
     * The Ember data store.
    store: Ember.inject.service('store'),

     * The customer.
    customer: null,

    validations: {
        'customer.primaryDomain': {
            presence: true,

            format: \some-regex\,

            async() {
                let store = this.get('store');
                let domain = this.get('customer.primaryDomain');

                if (Ember.isEmpty(domain)) {
                    return Ember.RSVP.resolve(true);

                // Validate that no other customers exist with the same domain
                const promise = store.query('customer', {
                    primaryDomainList: [domain]

                // At this point, the promise object is created, but this .then() hook may never get called even though the ajax request was successful.
                promise.then(customers => {
                    // Some extra code that isn't relevant

                return promise;

        'customer.companyName': {
            presence: true

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