terminate called after throwing an instance of boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::escaped_list_error> >'
what(): unknown escape sequence
"13986";"Parallelizing Convolutional Neural Networks on Intel $^{\textregistered }$$ Many Integrated Core Architecture.";"2015";"Junjie Liu|Haixia Wang|Dongsheng Wang|Yuan Gao|Zuofeng Li";"1";"2016-08-21 09:53:00";"Parallelizing Convolutional Neural Networks on Intel^{ textregistered} Many Integrated Core Architecture. J Liu, H Wang, D Wang, Y Gao, Z Li - Architecture of Computing Systems, 2015 - Springer. Abstract Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm in low-resolution vision tasks and are widely applied in many applications. However, the training process of them is very time-consuming. As a result, many .."
vector<string> parse(string s){
typedef tokenizer<escaped_list_separator<char> > so_tokenizer;
vector<string> strs;
so_tokenizer tok(s, escaped_list_separator<char>('\\', ';', '\"'));
cout << s << endl;
for(so_tokenizer::iterator beg=tok.begin(); beg!=tok.end(); ++beg){
return strs;