
时间:2017-01-03 15:42:51

标签: php forms class updates

我目前正在为PHP的第一年学校项目编写CMS,我正在编写更新函数,当更新发生时,更新应该更改表单中的数据,因为我写了一个名为'updateValues的函数( )''会更新类的值,并以这种方式回显新数据,但它不会这样做?提交完成后我仍然需要重新刷新页面,我不知道为什么。



  Author: Lucas Ouwens
  Een class voor het aanmaken, bewerken en het verwijderen van shop items.
  Dit is nog niet af, er moeten dingen veranderd worden omdat het gekopieerd is    van partner.php


class shopItem {

private $id;
private $itemName;
private $desc;
private $image;
private $full_image;
private $cost;

function __construct($id, $itemName, $desc, $image, $full_image, $cost) {
  $this->id = $id;
  $this->itemName = $itemName;
  $this->desc = $desc;
  $this->image = $image;
  $this->full_image = $full_image;
  $this->cost = $cost;


public static function loadFromDB() {
  $db = databaseHandler::getInstance()->getConnection();

  $stmnt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SHOPITEMS);
    $succes = $stmnt->execute();

    if($succes) {
      return $stmnt->fetchAll();

public function delete() {
  $db = databaseHandler::getInstance()->getConnection();

  $stmnt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SHOPITEMS . " WHERE id = :id");
    $stmnt->bindParam(":id", $this->id);
    $succes = $stmnt->execute();

    echo $stmnt->rowCount();
    if($succes) {
      if(!empty($stmnt->fetchAll())) {
      $stmnt = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . SHOPITEMS . " WHERE id = :id");
        $stmnt->bindParam(":id", $this->id);
        $succes = $stmnt->execute();
        if($succes) {
          echo "<p>Sucessfully removed the shop item from the database</p>";
      } else {
        echo '<p>Your request has already been processed</p>';

public static function getById($id) {
  $db = databaseHandler::getInstance()->getConnection();

  $stmnt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SHOPITEMS . " WHERE id = :id");
      $stmnt->bindParam(":id", $id);
      $succes = $stmnt->execute();

      if($succes) {
        $data =  $stmnt->fetchAll();

        return new shopItem($id, $data[0]["itemname"], $data[0]["description"], $data[0]["image"], $data[0]["full_image"], $data[0]["cost"]);

      return null;

Het moment wanneer je er achter komt dat in PHP de ternary operators erg irritant zijn, zijn ifs je held.
                                      (Java masterrace)

public function update($text, $image, $cost) {
  $id = $this->id;
    $textDiff = false;
    $imageDiff = false;
    $costDiff = false;

    $rel_path = "img\\shopitems\\$image";

    $rel_path = substr($rel_path, -1) == '/' || substr($rel_path, -1) == '\\' ? "" : "img\\shopitems\\$image";

    $target = realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..');
        $full_image = $target . "\\img\\shopitems\\$image";

    $db = databaseHandler::getInstance()->getConnection();

    $stmnt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SHOPITEMS . " WHERE id = :id");
      $stmnt->bindParam(":id",  $id);

      $succes = $stmnt->execute();

      if($succes) {
          $data = $stmnt->fetchAll();

          if($data[0]["description"] != $text && $text != "")  $textDiff = true;
          if($data[0]["image"] != $rel_path && $rel_path != "") $imageDiff = true;
          if($data[0]["cost"] != $cost) $costDiff = true;

          echo $textDiff . $imageDiff . $costDiff;

              if($textDiff && $imageDiff && $costDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET image = :image, full_image = :fimage, description = :text, cost = :cost WHERE id = :id");
              } elseif($textDiff && $imageDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET image = :image, full_image = :fimage, description = :text WHERE id = :id");
              } elseif($textDiff && $costDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET description = :text, cost = :cost WHERE id = :id");
              } elseif($costDiff && $imageDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET image = :image, full_image = :fimage, cost = :cost WHERE id = :id");
              } elseif($textDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET description = :text WHERE id = :id");
              } elseif($costDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET cost = :cost WHERE id = :id");
              } elseif($imageDiff) {
                $stmnt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . SHOPITEMS . " SET image = :image, full_image = :fimage WHERE id = :id");

            $stmnt->bindParam(":id", $this->id);

            if($imageDiff) {
              $stmnt->bindParam(":image", $rel_path);
              $stmnt->bindParam(":fimage", $full_image);

            if($costDiff) {
              $stmnt->bindParam(":cost", $cost);

            if($textDiff) {
              $stmnt->bindParam(":text", $text);
            $succes = $stmnt->execute();

            if($succes) {

              if($imageDiff === true) {
                uploadToDirectory("img", "shopitems");

              echo "<p>You sucessfully updated the shop item.</p>";


public static function create($text, $itemName, $image, $cost) {
    $db = databaseHandler::getInstance()->getConnection();

    $target = realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..');
    $dest = $target . "\\img\\shopitems\\$image";

    $imageLocation = "img/shopitems/$image";

    $stmnt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO " . SHOPITEMS . " (description, itemname, full_image, image, cost) VALUES (:text, :itemname, :fimage, :image, :cost) ");
        $stmnt->bindParam(":text", $text);
  $stmnt->bindParam(":itemname", $itemName);
        $stmnt->bindParam(":fimage", $dest);
        $stmnt->bindParam(":image", $imageLocation);
  $stmnt->bindParam(":cost", $cost);

        $succes = $stmnt->execute();
            if($succes) {
                echo '<p>Sucessfully added the partner to the database!</p>';


  Een functie voor het updaten van de waarden die boven aan de class staan.

  public function updateValues() {
    // een verbinding leggen met de database te maken, door het te referencen naar de verbinding
    $db = databaseHandler::getInstance()->getConnection();

// de prepared statement maken met het gebruik maken van de shopitems constant en het ID van het object
  $stmnt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SHOPITEMS . " WHERE id = :id");
  // de id parameter binden aan het object id
        $stmnt->bindParam(":id", $this->id);

        // executen van de prepared statement
    $succes = $stmnt->execute();

    // checken of het executen van de statement succesvol was
    if($succes) {
      // alle data ophalen
        $data = $stmnt->fetchAll();

        // de nieuwe values van het object ophalen uit de database
        $this->desc = $data[0]["description"];
        $this->image = $data[0]["image"];
        $this->full_image = $data[0]["full_image"];
        $this->cost = $data[0]["cost"];
        $this->itemName = $data[0]["itemname"];


public function getId() {
  return $this->id;

public function getName() {
  return $this->itemName;

public function getImage() {
  return $this->image;

public function getFullImage() {
  return $this->full_image;

public function getDesc() {
  return $this->desc;

 public function getCost() {
  return $this->cost;



if(isset($_POST['shopitemData'])) {
  $shopitem = shopItem::getById($_POST['shopitemData']);
  echo '
   <p>Description of shop item</p>
   <textarea name="desc">' . $shopitem->getDesc() . '</textarea>
   <p>Image of shop item (Leave empty if you do not wish to change this)</p>
   <input type="file" name="img">
   <p>price of shop item</p>
   <input type="number" name="cost" value="' . $shopitem->getCost() . '"> 
   <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save">';

     if(isset($_POST['desc']) && isset($_POST['cost'])) {
       $shopitem->update(isset($_POST['desc']) ? $_POST['desc'] : "",      isset($_FILES['img']) ? $_FILES['img']["name"] : "", isset($_POST['cost']) ? $_POST['cost'] : "");


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