
时间:2009-01-05 20:33:22

标签: arrays parsing text java-me tokenize


  • 地点名称及其坐标。
  • 具有相应起始节点和结束节点的边以及权重(节点的长度)。

    我将两个细节都放在同一个文件中,这样用户就不必下载多个文件来使他们的地图正常工作(它可能会耗费时间并且看起来很复杂)。 所以我所做的是先通过输入位置名称和坐标来分隔不同的细节,之后我通过绘制一条带有多个下划线的线条从下一个区域中分离出该区域的边缘。


  • 如果是,(以伪代码表示),移动到流中的下一行,创建一个新数组并用下一组细节填充它。



    < - 1stSection - >
    / **
    *第一节的格式如下 * xCoordinate; yCoordinate; LocationName
    * /

    12; 13;纽约市 40; 12;华盛顿特区 ... e.t.c

    _________________________  <--(underscore divider)

    &LT; - 2ndSection - &GT;
    / **
    *它实际上是一个邻接列表,但间接提供了“边缘”细节 *以此形式
    * StartNode / MainReferencePoint; Endnode1; distance2endNode1; Endnode2; distance2endNode2; ... e.t.c
    * /

    费城;华盛顿特区; 7;纽约市; 2
    纽约市;佛罗里达州; 24;伊利诺伊州; 71 ... e.t.c

  • 1 个答案:

    答案 0 :(得分:1)

    package filereader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class FileReader {
        String locationSection;
        String edgeSection;
        Vector locations;
        Vector edges;
        public FileReader(String fileName) {
            // read the contents into the string
            InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            int ch;
            try {
                while ((ch = is.read()) != -1) {
                    sb.append((char) ch);
            } catch (IOException e2) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            String text = sb.toString();
            // separate locations and edges
            String separator = "_________________________";
            // read location section, without last end-of-line char
            int endLocationSection = text.indexOf(separator) - 1;
            locationSection = text.substring(0, endLocationSection);
            // read edges section, without end-of-line char after separator
            int startEdgeSection = endLocationSection + separator.length() + 3;
            edgeSection = text.substring(startEdgeSection, text.length());
            // parse locations and edges
            locations = getLocationsVector(locationSection);
            edges = getEdgesVector(edgeSection);
        // parse locations section
        public Vector getLocationsVector(String section) {
            Vector result = new Vector();
            int startLine = 0;
            int endLine = section.indexOf('\n');
            while (endLine != -1) {
                String line = section.substring(startLine, endLine);
                result.addElement(parseLocationsLine(line, ';'));
                startLine = endLine + 1;
                if (endLine == section.length() - 1)
                endLine = section.indexOf('\n', startLine);
                // if no new line found, read to the end of string
                endLine = (-1 == endLine) ? section.length() - 1 : endLine;
            return result;
        // parse edges section
        public Vector getEdgesVector(String section) {
            Vector result = new Vector();
            int startLine = 0;
            int endLine = section.indexOf('\n');
            while (endLine != -1) {
                String line = section.substring(startLine, endLine - 1);
                result.addElement(parseEdgesLine(line, ';'));
                startLine = endLine + 1;
                if (endLine == section.length() + 1)
                endLine = section.indexOf('\n', startLine);
                // if no new line found, read to the end of string
                endLine = (-1 == endLine) ? section.length() + 1 : endLine;
            return result;
        // parse locations line
        public Hashtable parseLocationsLine(String value, char splitBy) {
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            int xCEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy);
            int yCEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy, xCEnd + 1);
            result.put("x", value.substring(0, xCEnd));
            result.put("y", value.substring(xCEnd + 1, yCEnd));
            result.put("location", value.substring(yCEnd + 1, 
                value.length() - 1));
            return result;
        // parse edges line
        public Hashtable parseEdgesLine(String value, char splitBy) {
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            int snEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy);
            result.put("startnode", value.substring(0, snEnd));
            int n = 1;
            int start = snEnd + 1;
            int enEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy, snEnd + 1);
            int dstEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy, enEnd + 1);
            while (enEnd != -1 && dstEnd != -1) {
                result.put("endnode" + String.valueOf(n), 
                        value.substring(start, enEnd));
                result.put("distance" + String.valueOf(n), value.substring(
                        enEnd + 1, dstEnd));
                start = dstEnd + 1;
                enEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy, start);
                if (dstEnd == value.length())
                dstEnd = value.indexOf(splitBy, enEnd + 1);
                // if last endnode-distance pair, read to the end of line
                dstEnd = (-1 == dstEnd) ? value.length() : dstEnd;
            return result;
        // getters for locations and edges
        public Vector getLocations() {
            return locations;
        public Vector getEdges() {
            return edges;


    fr = new FileReader("/map.txt");
    Vector vct1 = fr.getLocations();
    for (int i = 0; i < vct1.size(); i++) {
        Hashtable location = (Hashtable) vct1.elementAt(i);
        Enumeration en = location.keys();
        String fv = "";
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
            String key = (String) en.nextElement();
            String value = (String)location.get(key);
            fv = fv + value + "-";
        this.add(new LabelField(fv));       
    Vector vct2 = fr.getEdges();
    for (int i = 0; i < vct2.size(); i++) {
        Hashtable location = (Hashtable) vct2.elementAt(i);
        Enumeration en = location.keys();
        String fv = "";
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
            String key = (String) en.nextElement();
            String value = (String)location.get(key);
            fv = fv + value + "-";
        this.add(new LabelField(fv));       

