[INFO] Starting Coveralls job for travis-ci (188355098)
[INFO] Using repository token <secret>
[INFO] Writing Coveralls data to /home/travis/build/bThink-BGU/BPjs/target/coveralls.json...
[INFO] Processing coverage report from /home/travis/build/bThink-BGU/BPjs/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
[INFO] Successfully wrote Coveralls data in 224ms
[INFO] Gathered code coverage metrics for 43 source files with 2944 lines of code:
[INFO] - 902 relevant lines
[INFO] Submitting Coveralls data to API
[ERROR] Submission failed in 442ms while processing data
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eluder.coveralls:coveralls-maven-plugin:4.3.0:report (default-cli) on project BPjs: Processing of input or output data failed: Report submission to Coveralls API failed with HTTP status 422: Unprocessable Entity (Couldn't find a repository matching this job.) -> [Help 1]
知道什么是错的吗?我已按照Maven coveralls plugin的建议尝试明确添加TRAVIS_JOB_ID