
时间:2017-01-01 17:39:06

标签: c# winforms scroll tabs

所以我有一个tab容器,我动态创建并在运行时添加标签,如下所示: -

    private void DynamicTabCreation()

        #region Code for dynamically creating a tab

        //Getting all Product Types from database into a dataSet.
        DataBaseConnection pt = new DataBaseConnection();
        pt.passSqlCmdandFillDs = "SELECT * FROM [tblProductType]";

        foreach (DataRow row in pt.dataSetWithDB.Tables[0].Rows)
            //Adding new tabpages to the tabControl container, the name of each tab being the product type
                                    //Key for later use                    //Name of tab
            tabContainer.TabPages.Add((row["ProductType"].ToString()), ((string)row["Description"]));


        //Make the tabs bigger so that they are touchable.
        tabContainer.ItemSize = new Size(90, 50);

        //Setting default settings for each tabpage created
        foreach (TabPage tp in tabContainer.TabPages)
            tp.BackColor = Color.White;
            tp.AutoScroll = true; //Not doing anything :(


执行此操作后,我将按钮添加到这些标签页: -

            #region Code for adding buttons which represent products into each tab

        foreach (TabPage tp in tabContainer.TabPages)

            DataBaseConnection pt = new DataBaseConnection();
            pt.passSqlCmdandFillDs = "SELECT * FROM [tblProduct]";

            FlowLayoutPanel flp = new FlowLayoutPanel();
            //Will make any controls added to the tab page be placed appropiately within it.
            flp.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 

            foreach (DataRow row in pt.dataSetWithDB.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (tp.Text == row["ProductType"].ToString()) //If the Product Type corrosponds with the Tab Name in the tabContainer
                    //Button generated to add to the tab page (remmember buttons represent products)
                    Button b = new Button();

                    //Giving button appropiate size so it looks good and is suffient size to be touch screen compatible
                    b.Size = new Size(80, 80);

                    //Displaying the Product/Buttons details on the button.
                    b.Text = row["Description"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "£" + Convert.ToDecimal(row["Price"]);

                    //The properties of this product object store data about the 'Product' which the button represents.
                    ProductSelected product = new ProductSelected();

                    //Setting the properties of the product from the DB.
                    product.Description = row["Description"].ToString();
                    product.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Price"]);
                    product.ProductID =  (int)row["ProductID"];

                    //Changing the image of the button
                    b.BackgroundImage = tblProducts.readimageFromDB(row);
                    b.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;

                    product.SecondaryID = 0;

                    //This 'Product' obj, contains all the information about the product.
                    //I am tagging it to the button
                    //So the button now represents the product object
                    b.Tag = product;

                    //Upon pressing the button, the information has to be added to the list.
                    b.Click += new EventHandler(updateProductList); 

                    //The flowlayoutpanel makes sure that all the buttons are displayed in a organised layout.
                    //The flp can be thought of as a organised container
                    //This container can then be stored into another container (later on in the code, it will be stored into the tabPage(Which we are currently looping through))

            //Adding flp to the tabPage that we are current accesed at in the foreach loop.




如果按钮太多,那么它们会从屏幕溢出,所以看起来像这样: -

The problem and what I want



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