我正在努力学习如何像计算机科学家Python 3"一样思考。我已经对以下一组代码感到不安:
def play_once(human_plays_first):
Must play one round of the game. If the parameter
is True, the human gets to play first, else the
computer gets to play first. When the round ends,
the return value of the function is one of
-1 (human wins), 0 (game drawn), 1 (computer wins).
# This is all dummy scaffolding code right at the moment...
import random # See Modules chapter ...
rng = random.Random()
# Pick a random result between -1 and 1.
result = rng.randrange(-1,2)
print("Human plays first={0}, winner={1} "
.format(human_plays_first, result))
return result
def play():
"""initiates game and keeps track of score"""
humanscore = 0
computerscore = 0
draws = 0
total = 0
while True:
who_plays_first = input("Human plays? Yes or No")
if who_plays_first == 'Yes':
who_plays_first = True
result = play_once(who_plays_first)
if result == -1:
humanscore += 1
if result == 1:
computerscore += 1
if result == 0:
draws += 1
total = humanscore + computerscore + draws
PercentageComp = (computerscore / total) * 100
PercentageComp = round(PercentageComp, 2)
PercentageHuman = (humanscore / total) * 100
PercentageHuman = round(PercentageHuman, 2)
PercentageDraw = (draws / total) * 100
PercentageDraw = round(PercentageDraw, 2)
print("Scores are (human, computer and draws):" + str(humanscore) + ","+ str(computerscore) + ","+ str(draws) )
print("Computers have won: " + str(PercentageComp) + "%")
print("Human has one: " + str(PercentageHuman) + "%")
print("Draws have occured: "+ str(PercentageDraw) + "%")
response = input("Play again? (Yes or No)")
if response != "yes" and response !="Yes":