shit_loot = ['Worn Dagger', 'Dirty Panties', 'Broken Staff', 'Bear Claw', 'Used Bandage']
decent_loot = ['Simple Staff', 'Alchemy Bag', 'Mask of Emptiness', 'Cloak of Disappearance', 'Large Health Potion']
epic_loot = ['Sword of 1000 Truths', 'The Master Sword', 'BFG', 'The Fate of the World', 'Infinite Bag of Infinity']
puts "On a scale of 1 - 10 how hard was the battle for the party?"
cr = gets.chomp.to_i
puts "Your party completed a challenge rating #{cr} battle, Great Work!"
if cr <= 3
puts "Your loot is #{shit_loot.sample}, #{shit_loot.sample}, #{shit_loot.sample}. Grats on the shitty loot!"
elsif cr >= 4 && <= 8
puts "Your loot is #{decent_loot.sample}, #{decent_loot.sample}, #{decent_loot.sample}. Grats on the decent loot!"
else cr > 8
puts "Your loot is #{epic_loot.sample}, #{epic_loot.sample}, #{epic_loot.sample}. Grats on the epic loot!"
ruby battle_loot_calc.rb
battle_loot_calc.rb:12:语法错误,意外&lt; =
elsif cr&gt; = 4&amp;&amp; &lt; = 8
答案 0 :(得分:1)
elsif cr >= 4 && cr <= 8 puts
答案 1 :(得分:1)
1 + ((row_number() over (order by TimeStamp, FileName, OrderID) - 1) / 5) AS [Row_Number]
adjective = case cr
when (0..3) then 'shit'
when (4..8) then 'decent'
when (9..10) then 'epic'