
时间:2016-12-28 07:24:12

标签: python python-performance


import collections

log_data = """1.1.2014 12:01,111-222-333,454-333-222,COMPLETED
1.1.2014 13:01,111-222-333,111-333,FAILED
1.1.2014 13:04,111-222-333,454-333-222,FAILED
1.1.2014 13:05,111-222-333,454-333-222,COMPLETED
2.1.2014 13:01,111-333,111-222-333,FAILED

expected_result = {
    "111-222-333": "40.00%",
    "454-333-222": "66.67%",
    "111-333" : "0.00%"

def compute_success_ratio(logdata):
    #! better option to use .splitlines()
    #! or even better recognize the CSV structure and use csv.reader
    entries = logdata.split('\n')
    #! interesting choice to collect the data first
    #! which could result in explosive growth of memory hunger, are there
    #! alternatives to this structure?
    complst = []
    faillst = []
    #! probably no need for attaching `lst` to the variable name, no? 

    for entry in entries:
        #! variable naming could be clearer here
        #! a good way might involve destructuring the entry like:
        #! _, caller, callee, result
        #! which also avoids using magic indices further down (-1, 1, 2)
        ent = entry.split(',')
        if ent[-1] == 'COMPLETED':
            #! complst.extend(ent[1:3]) for even more brevity
        elif ent[-1] == 'FAILED':

    #! variable postfix `lst` could let us falsely assume that the result of set()
    #! is a list.
    numlst = set(complst + faillst)

    #! good use of collections.Counter,
    #! but: Counter() already is a dictionary, there is no need to convert it to one
    comps = dict(collections.Counter(complst))
    fails = dict(collections.Counter(faillst))
    #! variable naming overlaps with global, and doesn't make sense in this context
    expected_result = {}

    for e in numlst:
        #! good: dealt with possibility of a number not showing up in `comps` or `fails`
        #! bad: using a try/except block to deal with this when a simpler .get("e", 0)
        #! would've allowed dealing with this more elegantly
            #! variable naming not very expressive
            rat = float(comps[e]) / float(comps[e] + fails[e]) * 100
            perc = round(rat, 2)
            #! here we are rounding twice, and then don't use the formatting string
            #! to attach the % -- '{:.2f}%'.format(perc) would've been the right
            #! way if one doesn't know percentage formatting (see below)
            expected_result[e] = "{:.2f}".format(perc) + '%'
            #! a generally better way would be to either
            #! from __future__ import division
            #! or to compute the ratio as 
            #! ratio = float(comps[e]) / (comps[e] + fails[e])
            #! and then use percentage formatting for the ratio
            #! "{:.2%}".format(ratio) 
        except KeyError:
            expected_result[e] = '0.00%'

    return expected_result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    assert(compute_success_ratio(log_data) == expected_result)

#! overall
#! + correct 
#! ~ implementation not optimal, relatively wasteful in terms of memory 
#! - variable naming inconsistent, overly shortened, not expressive
#! - some redundant operations
#! + good use of standard library collections.Counter
#! ~ code could be a tad bit more idiomatic


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

执行entries = logdata.split('\n')时,您将创建一个包含拆分字符串的列表。由于日志文件可能非常大,因此会消耗大量内存。




data = open('logfile').read().split('\n')
for line in data:
   # do something with the line


data = open('logfile')
for line in data:
    # do something with the line

方法1将消耗更多内存,因为整个文件需要读入内存。它还遍历数据两次 - 一次是在我们读取数据时,一次是分成行。方法2的缺点是我们只能通过data进行一次循环。

对于这里的特定情况,我们不是从文件中读取,而是从已经在内存中的变量读取,最大的区别在于我们将使用拆分方法消耗大约两倍的内存。 / p>

答案 1 :(得分:1)



complst = ['111-333', '111-333', '111-333', '111-333', '111-333']
faillst = ['111-333', '111-333']


这是一个使用csv.reader并收集成功的替代实施方案。失败计为dict,其中项目名称为关键,值为列表[success count, failure count]

from collections import defaultdict
import csv
from io import StringIO

log_data = """1.1.2014 12:01,111-222-333,454-333-222,COMPLETED
1.1.2014 13:01,111-222-333,111-333,FAILED
1.1.2014 13:04,111-222-333,454-333-222,FAILED
1.1.2014 13:05,111-222-333,454-333-222,COMPLETED
2.1.2014 13:01,111-333,111-222-333,FAILED

counts = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
for _, *params, result in csv.reader(StringIO(log_data)):
        index = RESULT_STRINGS.index(result)
        for param in params:
            counts[param][index] += 1
    except ValueError:
        pass # Skip line in case last column is not in RESULT_STRINGS

result = {k: '{0:.2f}%'.format(v[0] / sum(v) * 100) for k, v in counts.items()} 

请注意,上述内容仅适用于Python 3。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


import pandas as pd

log_data = pd.read_csv('data.csv',header=None)
log_data.columns = ['date', 'key1','key2','outcome']

meltedData = pd.melt(log_data, id_vars=['date','outcome'], value_vars=['key1','key2'],
              value_name = 'key') # we transpose the keys here
meltedData['result'] = [int(x.lower() == 'completed') for x in meltedData['outcome']] # add summary variable

groupedData = meltedData.groupby(['key'])['result'].mean()
groupedDict = groupedData.to_dict()

print groupedDict


{'111-333': 0.0, '111-222-333': 0.40000000000000002, '454-333-222': 0.66666666666666663}