
时间:2016-12-27 19:31:01

标签: python pathfinder





示例: Example graph

在该图上从点7到点5,最小化在两点之间行进的最大距离的路径是7> 1。 1> 17> 15> 8> 10> 3> 16> 5




def OptimizedPath( a, b, points, Dmax ):
# Dmax is the maximal distance you can travel between two points
# D is a function which calculate the distance between two points
maxi = D( points[a], points[b])
if maxi < Dmax: # if the direct travel is already ok
    return Dmax
    ways = [[a]]    # itervative methode to explore all paths
    while ways != []:
        nways = []  # new matrix that will contain all paths of n+1 points
        for w in ways:
            # PAcc returns the list of points you can access in less than a distance maxi
            for i in PAcc( w, maxi, points):
                nways.append( w + [i] )

        ways = []
        for w in nways:
            if w[-1] == b:  # if a path has arrived to it's destination
                if Dmaxw( w, points ) < Dmax:   # if it has done it without traveling more than Dmax between two points
                    return Dmax
                elif Dmaxw( w, points ) < maxi: # if it has done it better than the best path found
                    maxi = Dmaxw( w, points )
            elif Dmaxw( w, points ) < maxi: # if it's not over and the maximum distance between two points is smaller than maxi
                ways.append( w )
    return maxi

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

将您的网格视为Graph,每个点都为vertex。找到每对顶点之间的距离,然后您可以使用Dijkstra Algorithm(单源最短路径算法)找到点AB之间的最小距离。虽然时间复杂度将保持O(n^2),因为您需要在最初找到每对顶点之间的距离。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


我想对你们所有人表示衷心的感谢,但最终Dijkstra算法解决了所有问题。我无法适应这个特定的问题,因为这是我第一次使用这些高级图优化算法而我并不想找到最短路但两点之间的最大距离。 它最终起作用并带来了更好的结果(包括时间和内存使用)。


def nextc( A, U ):
    mini = A[U[0]][0]
    indice = U[0]
    for i in range(1,len(A)):
        if A[i][0] < mini and i in U:
            mini = A[i][0]
            indice = i
    return indice

def DijkstraS( s, e, points ):
    L = D( points[s], points[e] )
    U = [ x for x in range( len(points) ) ]
    A = [ [float('inf'), -1] for i in range(len(points))]
    A[s][0] = 0
    while U != []:
        current = nextc( A, U )
        for P in U:
            Dt = D( points[P], points[current] )
            if Dt < L and max( Dt, A[current][0]) < A[P][0]:
                A[P][0] = max( Dt, A[current][0])
                A[P][1] = current
    return A[e][0]