节点对象 - 为空节点对象分配值

时间:2016-12-27 14:12:06

标签: java xml xpath xml-parsing


但是当我尝试使用 setNodeValue setTextContent 设置null节点对象的值时,方法仍然会遇到同样的问题。我们是否有任何其他选项来设置null Node对象的值。

    **//Code Snippet:**
Node title = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode("Input Node", "title/text()");
// *Here if there is no input title tag, then the title variable would be null*
title.setNodeValue("Value to set on the null node");

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// your xml document
Document document = ...;

// create a new node to add
Node titleNode = document.createElement("title");
titleNode.setNodeValue("Value to set on the null node");

// The node named "Input Node" in document
Node inputNode = ...;

// append the new node to "Input Node"