
时间:2016-12-27 12:02:49

标签: spring-boot bdd fitnesse






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FitNesse itself is a testing environment, with its own strength and weaknesses like mentioned in some of the comments. Out of the box it does not have any capabilities to test an application. It allows you to write test definitions and execute these. To connect the test definitions to the actual system to be tested (the SUT, system under test) you need some code (called fixtures). These may be written in Java (or some other language supported by FitNesse). These fixtures will interact with the system to be tested, and define the elements your test definitions will be composed of. (This is all similar, from my perspective, as Cucumber and its step definitions)

You can either write your own (custom) fixtures, or use some existing 'plugins' or use fixture libraries that already exist。如果您使用现有的库,您可能需要/需要使用一些基于它们提供的功能的自定义夹具。


我不知道springboottest,或者任何使用Spring Boot应用程序的专用设备。但是多个fixture文库支持REST服务的测试(例如RestFixtureHSAC's FitNesse fixtures(披露:我已经在该库中编写了很多代码))或者构建在它们之上的Web应用程序。

我使用HSAC's FitNesse fixtures广泛地测试Web应用程序和REST(和SOAP)服务,在Jenkins作业中使用Maven。对我而言,它提供了FitNesse设置的良好基线,使我能够专注于编写测试,而不是测试管道。也许您可以查看documentation of its REST fixture (http test and json http test)download and try the examples其独立邮编'打包看看它是否允许您以适合您(和您的项目)的方式表达您的测试。通过Jenkins运行测试已在项目pom.xml中预先配置,并记录在its README中。