[Authorize(Roles = "Affiliate")]
public ActionResult GetTrainingPrograms(int? affiliateId, string searchStr, bool? active, string sort, int? start, int? limit)
int affId = UserData.AffiliateID;
if (affiliateId != null && affiliateId.Value > 0)
affId = affiliateId.Value;
string searchStrLower = string.Empty;
string queryStr = String.Concat(affId);
// The start point in the list of Training Programs
if (start != null)
queryStr = String.Concat(queryStr, "-", start.Value);
// To find Active or Inactive at the Current Time
if (active != null)
queryStr = String.Concat(queryStr, "-", active);
// Sort the List of Data
if (sort == null)
sort = "trainingProgramName";
queryStr = String.Concat(queryStr, "-", sort);
// limit on the page to Display
if (limit != null)
queryStr = String.Concat(queryStr, "-", limit.Value);
//The keywords used to find a Training Program
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr))
searchStrLower = searchStr.ToLower();
queryStr = String.Concat(queryStr, "-", searchStrLower);
logger.Debug("trainingProgramListKey: " + queryStr);
TrainingProgramList reloadData = CacheUtilities.Instance.GetTrainingProgramList(affiliateId);
logger.Debug("reloadData: " + reloadData + ", affId: " + affId + ", queryStr: " + queryStr);
string trainingProgramCacheKey = CbConstants.TrainingProgramCacheKey + queryStr;
TrainingProgramList trainingProgramList = null;
int totalCount = 0;
// Checks the List is null or not to Display
if (trainingProgramList != null)
logger.Debug("Cache miss for TrainingProgram list: " + trainingProgramCacheKey);
trainingProgramList = new TrainingProgramList();
trainingProgramList.AffiliateID = affId;
totalCount = TrainingProgramRepository.Instance.GetTrainingProgramsCount(affId, searchStrLower, active);
trainingProgramList.Entries = TrainingProgramRepository.Instance.GetTrainingPrograms(affId, searchStrLower, active, sort, start, limit);
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(trainingProgramCacheKey, trainingProgramList, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, CbConstants.CacheSlidingExpirationOneDay);
CbJsonResponse response = new CbJsonResponse();
response.Status = "success";
response.Meta.Add("total", Convert.ToString(totalCount));
return Json(response, "application/json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public List<TrainingProgramListEntry> GetTrainingPrograms(int affiliateId, string searchStr, bool? active, string sort, int? start, int? limit)
using (var ctx = new CrossfitPortalEntities())
ctx.Database.Log = s => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(s);
// Don't need proxies when explicitly loading.
ctx.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
var query = ctx.TrainingPrograms.Where(m => m.AffiliateID == affiliateId);
//The keywords used to find a Training Program
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr))
query = query.Where(m => m.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchStr));
if (active != null)
// The property on which to sort this list.
if (sort != null)
switch (sort)
case "TrainingProgram Name":
query = query.OrderBy(m => m.Name);
//The number of Training Programs to display on this page.
if (limit != null)
logger.Debug("TrainingProgram query limit: " + limit.Value);
var entries = query.Select(m => new TrainingProgramListEntry
Name = m.Name,
ColorCode = m.ColorCode,
// The start point in the list of Training Programs
}).Skip((start != null) ? start.Value : 0).Take((limit != null) ? limit.Value : 10).ToList();
return entries;
public TrainingProgramList GetTrainingProgramList(int? affiliateID)
string trainingProgramCacheKey = CbConstants.TrainingProgramCacheKey + affiliateID;
TrainingProgramList trainingprogram = (TrainingProgramList)HttpRuntime.Cache[trainingProgramCacheKey];
if (trainingprogram != null)
logger.Debug("Cache hit for AffProfile Entity: " + trainingProgramCacheKey);
logger.Debug("Cache miss for AffProfile Entity: " + trainingProgramCacheKey);
trainingprogram = TrainingProgramRepository.Instance.GetTrainingPrograms(AffiliateID);
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(trainingProgramCacheKey, trainingprogram, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, CbConstants.CacheSlidingExpirationTwoHours);
return trainingprogram;