
时间:2016-12-27 07:28:29

标签: css django forms


长版: 上下文如下:我想使用w3.css框架中定义的css类来表示我的所有表单(http://www.w3schools.com/w3css/default.asp)。我已经看到可以在表单类定义或表单呈现中在Django中执行此操作,但在两种情况下都需要显式声明所有表单字段。这意味着我放弃了ModelForms自动表单生成的所有好处。我想改为:

  1. 在某处(例如在设置文件中)定义表单字段/窗口小部件和css类之间的默认映射,例如'textinput': 'my_default_css_class_for_text_inputs'
  2. 默认情况下,对于表单的所有自动生成和呈现,使用(1)中定义的默认css类,不对现有表单类进行修改或对其进行最小修改
  3. 对于特定表单,我可以使用其他值重载默认值
  4. 据我所知,这种行为在django中是不可能的。 crispy-form包似乎朝这个方向发展,但它似乎做的不仅仅是那个,而且我不确定我是否想要所有额外的复杂性(我仍然是这里的新手)。另一种方法是使用javascript在客户端添加类。对我来说,这看起来像是一个丑陋的坏习惯。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在项目 settings.py 中,添加:

# Default css classes for widgets and labels
           'error': 'w3-panel w3-red',        # displayed in the label
           'errorlist': 'w3-padding-8 w3-red', # encloses the error list
           'required': 'w3-text-indigo',     # used in the label and label + input enclosing box. NB: w3-validate only works if the input precedes the label!
           'label': 'w3-label',
           'Textarea': 'w3-input w3-border',
           'TextInput': 'w3-input w3-border',
           'Select': 'w3-select w3-border',


forms.py (或其他地方)中,添加:

from django.forms import ModelForm, inlineformset_factory, Form, BoundField
from django.forms.utils import ErrorList
from django.utils.html import format_html, force_text
from django.conf import settings

class CustErrorList(ErrorList):
    # custom error list format to use defcss
    def __str__(self):
        return self.as_div()
    def as_div(self):
        if not self: 
            return ''
        return format_html('<div class="{}">{}</div>',
                           ' '.join( [ force_text(e) for e in self ] )

class CustBoundField(BoundField):
    # overload label_tag to include default css classes for labels
    def label_tag(self, contents=None, attrs=None, label_suffix=None):
        newcssclass = settings.DEFAULT_CSS['label']
        if attrs is None:
            attrs = {}
        elif 'class' in attrs:
            newcssclass = ' '.join( [ attrs['class'], newcssclass ] ) # NB: order has no impact here (but it does in the style sheet)
        attrs.update( { 'class': newcssclass } )
        # return the output of the original method with the modified attrs
        return super( CustBoundField, self ).label_tag( contents, attrs, label_suffix )

def custinit(self, subclass, *args, **kwargs):
    # overload Form or ModelForm inits, to use default CSS classes for widgets
    super( subclass, self ).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.error_class = CustErrorList # change the default error class

    # Loop on fields and add css classes
    # Warning: must loop on fields, not on boundfields, otherwise inline_formsets break
    for field in self.fields.values():            
        thiswidget = field.widget
        if thiswidget .is_hidden:
        newcssclass = settings.DEFAULT_CSS[ thiswidget.__class__.__name__ ]
        thisattrs = thiswidget.attrs
        if 'class' in thisattrs:
            newcssclass = ' '.join( [ thisattrs['class'], newcssclass ] ) # NB: order has no impact here (but it does in the style sheet)
        thisattrs.update( { 'class': newcssclass } )

def custgetitem(self, name):
    # Overload of Form getitem to use the custom BoundField with
    # css-classed labels. Everything here is just a copy of django's version,
    # apart from the call to CustBoundField
        field = self.fields[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError(
            "Key '%s' not found in '%s'. Choices are: %s." % (
                ', '.join(sorted(f for f in self.fields)),
    if name not in self._bound_fields_cache:
        self._bound_fields_cache[name] = CustBoundField( self, field, name )
        # In the original version, field.get_bound_field is called, but
        # this method only calls BoundField. It is much easier to 
        # subclass BoundField and call it directly here
    return self._bound_fields_cache[name]        

class DefaultCssModelForm(ModelForm):
    # Defines the new reference ModelForm, with default css classes
    error_css_class = settings.DEFAULT_CSS['error']
    required_css_class = settings.DEFAULT_CSS['required']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        custinit(self, DefaultCssModelForm, *args, **kwargs)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return custgetitem(self, name)

class DefaultCssForm(Form):
    # Defines the new reference Form, with default css classes

    error_css_class = settings.DEFAULT_CSS['error']
    required_css_class = settings.DEFAULT_CSS['required']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        custinit(self, DefaultCssForm, *args, **kwargs)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return custgetitem(self, name)



class MyForm(DefaultCssModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = '__all__'

MyFormSet = inlineformset_factory( ..., ..., form=DefaultCssModelForm, ... )