
时间:2016-12-27 07:15:40

标签: localization uwp messagedialog


'use strict'; var yeoman = require('yeoman-generator'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var yosay = require('yosay'); module.exports = yeoman.Base.extend({ constructor: function () { yeoman.Base.apply(this, arguments); this.appname = this._dashedCaseFromSpaces(this.appname); }, // Have Yeoman greet the user. prompting: function () { this.log(yosay( 'Welcome to the solid ' + chalk.red('generator-polymer-init-element-scaffold') + ' generator!' )); var prompts = [{ type: 'input', name: 'elementName', message: 'What is the name of the new element?', validate: (input) => (input.indexOf('-') === -1 ? 'Element name needs a \'-\'' : true), default :this.appname }, { type: 'list', name: 'elementVersion', message: 'What version of element are you building?', choices: ['1.x', '2.0','vanilla'], default: '1.x' }, { type: 'list', name: 'elementType', message: 'What type of element are you building?', choices: this._elementOptions, default: 'component' }, { when: (props) => (props.elementType === 'behavior' && props.elementVersion === '1.x'), type: 'input', name: 'behaviorNameSpace', message: 'What namespace would you like for your behavior?', default: 'fooBehavior', store : true }, { when: (props) => (props.elementType === 'behavior' && props.elementVersion === '1.x'), type: 'confirm', name: 'isBehaviorExtend', message: 'Is this a behavior extension?', default: false }, { type: 'list', name: 'elementImplementation', message: 'Is this a bower element or internal element?', choices: ['bower', 'internal'], default: 'bower' }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), type: 'confirm', name: 'noDirectory', message: 'Should I create a directory for you?', default: false }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'internal'), type: 'confirm', name: 'yesDirectory', message: 'Should I create a directory for you?', default: true }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), type: 'input', name: 'elementDescription', message: 'What does this element do?', default: 'nothing yet' }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), type: 'input', name: 'authorName', message: 'What is your name?', default: 'author', store : true }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), type: 'input', name: 'gitDomain', message: 'Where does your repo reside?', default: 'github', store : true }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), type: 'input', name: 'orgName', message: 'What is your organiztion\'s repo?', default: 'org', store : true }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), type: 'input', name: 'elementGrouping', message: 'What group does your element belong to?', default: 'none', store : true }, // // TODO: implement regex for tests inclusion // { // when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'), // type: 'confirm', // name: 'testable', // message: 'Would you like to include tests ?', // default: true // }, { when: (props) => (props.elementImplementation === 'bower'/*&& props.testable*/), type: 'confirm', name: 'sauceLabs', message: 'Would you like to use sauce labs for cross browser testing ?', default: true }]; return this.prompt(prompts).then(function (props) { this.props = props; this.props.className = this._cappedCaseFromDashed(props.elementName); // need to have values this._setDefaultValues(); }.bind(this)); }, _cappedCaseFromDashed: function(element) { if( typeof element !== "undefined") { return element.split('-').map( (name) => { return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1); }).join(''); } return element }, _dashedCaseFromSpaces: function(name) { if( typeof name !== "undefined") { return name.replace(/\s/g,'-'); } }, _elementOptions:function(props) { if(props.elementVersion === '1.x') { return ['component','style', 'behavior'] } else if(props.elementVersion === '2.0') { return ['component','behavior'] } else { return ['component'] } }, _setDefaultValues: function() { this.props.authorName = this.props.authorName || 'internal'; this.props.orgName = this.props.orgName || 'internal'; this.props.noDirectory = this.props.noDirectory || false; this.props.yesDirectory = this.props.yesDirectory || true; this.props.elementDescription = this.props.elementDescription || 'internal'; this.props.elementGrouping = this.props.elementGrouping || 'internal'; this.props.testable = this.props.testable || false; this.props.sauceLabs = this.props.sauceLabs || false; this.props.gitDomain = this.props.gitDomain || 'github'; }, writing: function () { const elementVersion = this.props.elementVersion; const elementType = this.props.elementType; const elementName = this.props.elementName; this._sharedWrites(); this._versionWrite(elementVersion, elementType, elementName); }, _sharedWrites: function() { // copy all general files. this.fs.copyTpl( `${this.templatePath()}/**/!(_)*`, this.destinationPath(), this.props ); // copy over dot files for bower. if (this.props.elementImplementation === 'internal') { this.fs.copyTpl( `${this.templatePath()}/.!(gitignore)*`, this.destinationRoot(`${elementName}`), this.props ); // get over npm publish quirk with file rename. this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath('.gitignorefile'), this.destinationPath('.gitignore'), this.props ); } // copy over dot files for bower. if (this.props.elementImplementation === 'bower') { this.fs.copyTpl( `${this.templatePath()}/.!(gitignore)*`, this.destinationRoot(), this.props ); // get over npm publish quirk with file rename. this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath('.gitignorefile'), this.destinationPath('.gitignore'), this.props ); } }, _versionWrite:function(version, elementType, elementName) { // Copy the main html file. this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}.html`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}.html`), this.props ); //If it is a style type you need to copy over the file if(elementType === 'style') { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}-classes.html`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}-classes.html`), this.props ); } // Each Version if(version === '1.x') { this._PolymerOneWrite(version,elementType, elementName); } else if(version === '2.0') { this._PolymerTwoWrite(version,elementType, elementName); } else if(version === 'vanilla') { this._VanillaWrite(version, elementType, elementName); } // else if(elementType === 'behavior') { // this.fs.copyTpl( // this.templatePath(`demo/_${elementType}-demo.html`), // this.destinationPath(`demo/${elementName}-demo.html`), // this.props // ); // } else { // // copy over the script // this.fs.copyTpl( // this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}.js`), // this.destinationPath(`${elementName}.js`), // this.props // ); // // copy the component styles. css for vanilla and html for polymer // const fileExt = elementType == 'vanilla' ? 'css': 'html'; // this.fs.copyTpl( // this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}-styles.${fileExt}`), // this.destinationPath(`${elementName}-styles.${fileExt}`), // this.props // ); // } }, _PolymerOneWrite: function(version,elementType, elementName) { if(elementType === 'component') { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}.js`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}.js`), this.props ); this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}-styles.html`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}-styles.html`), this.props ); } if(elementType === 'style') { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}-classes.html`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}-classes.html`), this.props ); } if(elementType === 'behavior') { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`demo/_${elementType}-demo.html`), this.destinationPath(`demo/${elementName}-demo.html`), this.props ); } }, _PolymerTwoWrite: function(elementType, elementName) { if(elementType === 'component' || elementType === 'behavior') { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}.js`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}.js`), this.props ); this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}-styles.html`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}-styles.html`), this.props ); } }, _VanillaOneWrite: function(version, elementType, elementName) { if(elementType === 'component') { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}.js`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}.js`), this.props ); this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`src/${version}/${elementType}/_${elementType}-styles.css`), this.destinationPath(`${elementName}-styles.css`), this.props ); } }, install: function () { this.installDependencies({ bower:this.props.elementImplementation === 'bower', npm: true }); } }); 可以更改页面中显示的文本和字体,但对消息对话框中的内容没有影响,对话框始终以默认语言的字体显示。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我的解决方案是创建一个类语言,定义一个字符串Lcid (你可以google什么是LCID)和列表字符串的文本


public class Language
    public string Lcid { get; set; }
    public List<string> Texts { get; set; }

    public static List<Language> GetLanguages()
        return new List<Language>
            new Language
                Lcid = "uk",
                Texts = new List<string>
            new Language
                Lcid = "en",
                Texts = new List<string>


    private readonly List<Language> _languages = Language.GetLanguages();
    private List<string> _currentLanguageTexts = new List<string>();

现在,您可以通过比较当前LCID并将文本设置为 _currentLanguageTexts 来切换您的语言, x:Bind 在您的XAML中应该 x:Bind