检查$ _FILES是否为空,文件大小,文件是否存在

时间:2016-12-26 16:48:58

标签: php

我有一个编辑表单,用户可以编辑他/她的信息。 它包含名字,姓氏,用户名,类别(从类别表中选择数据)和图像输入。我想要一个可以检查图像类型,大小,是否为空的函数。实际上,如果用户没有上传照片,则无需检查,但如果用户上传照片,则该功能会检查其文件类型(jpg,png,jpeg),并检查文件大小是否大于1MB。


if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$Title = test_input($_POST['Title']);
$Category = $_POST['Category'];
$Content = test_input($_POST['Post']);
$Author = test_input($_POST['Author']);
$ref = test_input($_POST['reference']);

$image= $_FILES["img"]["name"];
$imgSize = $_FILES["img"]["size"];
$image_tmp= $_FILES["img"]["tmp_name"];

$traget_dir = "../files/img/content/";
$target_file = $target_dir.basename($_FILES["img"]["name"]);

    $msg=" * title couldn't be empty";
else if(empty($Content))
    $msg=" * Content couldn't be empty";
else if(empty($Author))
    $msg=" * Author couldn't be empty";
else if($image =="")
    echo $msg=" * you must choose a photo";

else if($ImageFileType !="jpg" && $ImgeFileType != "gif" &&$ImageFileType     !="png" )
    echo $msg=" * only JPG, PNG, GIF are allowed";

else if($imgSize > 1024000)
    echo $msg= " * the photo shouldn't be greater that 1MB";

else if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["img"]["tmp_name"],$target_file))

     echo $msg1= " * the file ".basename($_FILES['img']['name'])." has been  uploaded";

    $uploadOk = 0;

$query= "UPDATE content SET (`Title`='$Title' ,`Text`= '$Content'  ,`Writer`='$Author',`Reference`='$ref',`Image`= '$image')  where Content_ID='$id' ";

        $msg1="post published";

        echo $msg="there was an error occured      <br>".mysqli_error($_SESSION['con']);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



要检查是否有图像文件或图像文件格式,您可以getimagesize() $_FILES['img']['tmp_name']检查error,如下所示:php how to use getimagesize() to check image type on upload

检查文件是否已上传,您可以使用if ($_FILES['img']['error']==4){ echo 'Not uploaded'; } 进行检查。错误号4表示文件未上传:

- projects
-- 1
--- name: some project
--- organisation: awesome organisation
--- users
---- uid1: true
---- uid2: true

- users
-- uid1
--- name: Bob
--- email: bob@test.com
--- tel: 020 3456 3456
-- uid2
--- name: tom
--- email: tom@test.com
--- tel: 020 3456 3456

在这里,您可以看到有关Error Messages Number
