
时间:2016-12-26 12:02:13

标签: python properties attributes

我有一个具有多个属性的可变对象(我们称之为mutable)。该对象本身是类Foo中的属性。 Foo是用户定义的,而mutable则不是,因此无法更改。


class Mutable(object):  # Example class.

    def __init__(self):
        self.attr0 = 0
        self.attr1 = 1

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.__dict__)[1:-1]

class Foo(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._mutable = Mutable()

    def mutable(self):
        print('mutable was read')
        return self._mutable

    def mutable(self, attr_value_pair):
        attribute, value = attr_value_pair
        setattr(self._mutable, attribute, value)
        print('mutable.' + attribute, 'was set to', value)

bar = Foo()
print(bar.mutable)           # 'mutable was read'
bar.mutable = ('attr0', 5)   # 'mutable.attr0 was set to 5'
bar.mutable = ('attr1', 10)  # 'mutable.attr1 was set to 10'
print(bar.mutable)           # 'mutable was read'

# This is what I want to do but it only calls the getter.
bar.mutable.attr0 = 0        # 'mutable was read'
bar.mutable.attr1 = 1        # 'mutable was read'



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

最简单的干净解决方案是子类mutable - 但我认为这不是一个选项。

最简单的“快速和肮脏”解决方案是monkeypatch mutable - 但这确实是最后的解决方案,并且从长远来看寻找麻烦。



class Mutable(object):  # Example class.

    def __init__(self):
        self.attr0 = 0
        self.attr1 = 1

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.__dict__)[1:-1]

class MutableProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, mutable, owner):
        self._mutable = mutable
        self._owner = owner

    def attr0(self):
        return self._mutable.attr0

    def attr0(self, value):
        self._mutable.attr0 = value 
        self._owner.notify("set", "attr0", value)

    def attr1(self):
        return self._mutable.attr1

    def attr1(self, value):
        self._mutable.attr1 = value 
        self._owner.notify("attr1", value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<MutableProxy for {}>".format(repr(self._mutable))

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mutable = Mutable()

    def mutable(self):
        #print('mutable was read')
        return self._mutable

    def mutable(self, value):
        self._mutable = MutableProxy(value, self)

    def notify(self, attrname, value):
        print('self._mutable.{} was set to {}'.format(attrname, value))


NB2:我在ProxyMutable上使用了显式属性,因为它使事情变得更清晰,但您可能希望使用__getattr__ / __setattr__个钩子(至少对mutable属性你不需要控制对它的访问。

NB3:我们现在在FooMutableProxy之间有一个循环引用。 Python normalluy知道如何摆脱循环引用,但如果它仍然是您的具体用例的问题,您可能希望MutableProxy._owner改为weak reference


答案 1 :(得分:2)


基本上我同意@ Alessandro的derived-class approach,即你应该扩展Mutable类 - 但是有一些显着的差异。一个是,鉴于它是从基类派生的,因此不需要包含基类的单独(未使用)实例。我在早期版本的答案中错过了这个。

更重要的是,它支持用户提供的回调函数,只要读取或写入其中一个属性,就会调用这些函数。这允许将通知发送回包含类中的方法 - Foo在这种情况下 - 我相信它们的更改确实需要处理。

注意:必然意味着您可以移除Foo属性mutable。如果您希望支持已实施的元组分配操作,则仍然需要它,以允许诸如bar.mutable = ('attr0', 5)之类的语句设置mutable&#39; s {{1} }属性。如果没有该属性,您需要编写:attr0代替(无论如何可能更清楚)。

bar.mutable.attr0 = 5

答案 2 :(得分:1)

这是另一种有效地将__setattr__()方法替换为现有类的实例的方法。我将@Martijn Pieters的this answer代码导出到一个标题为Decorating a class to monitor attribute changes的相关问题。


from types import FunctionType, MethodType

class Mutable(object):  # Example class (unchangeable).
    def __init__(self):
        self.attr0 = 0
        self.attr1 = 1

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.__dict__)[1:-1]

def monitor_attr_changes(obj, id, notify):
    """ Change class of obj to one that supports attribute notifications. """
    old_setattr = getattr(obj, '__setattr__')
    old_classname = obj.__class__.__name__

    class NewClass(obj.__class__):
        def __setattr__(self, name, value):
            old_setattr(name, value)
            notify(id, name, value)

        def __repr__(self):  # Not required -- here only for demo purposes.
            data_attrs = {name: value for name, value in self.__dict__.items()
                          if not isinstance(value, (FunctionType, MethodType))}
            return old_classname + ': ' + str(data_attrs)[1:-1]

    obj.__class__ = NewClass
    return obj

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, id):
        print('creating instance {!r} of Mutable class'.format(id))
        self.mutable = monitor_attr_changes(Mutable(), id, self._callback)

    def _callback(self, id, name, value):
        print('{} notification: {} has been set to {}'.format(id, name, value))

foo = Foo('foo')
bar = Foo('bar')
print(foo.mutable)          # -> Mutable: 'attr0': 0, 'attr1': 1
foo.mutable.attr0 = 5       # -> foo notification: attr0 has been set to 5
bar.mutable.attr0 = 42      # -> bar notification: attr0 has been set to 42
foo.mutable.attr1 = 10      # -> foo notification: attr1 has been set to 10
print(foo.mutable)          # -> Mutable: 'attr0': 5, 'attr1': 10
foo.mutable.attr0 = 1       # -> foo notification: attr0 has been set to 1
foo.mutable.attr1 = 0       # -> foo notification: attr1 has been set to 0
print(foo.mutable)          # -> Mutable: 'attr0': 1, 'attr1': 0
print(foo.mutable.attr0)    # -> 1
print(bar.mutable.attr0)    # -> 42                                        x

答案 3 :(得分:0)


