C ++与运营商不匹配

时间:2016-12-24 10:04:01

标签: c++ operator-keyword

我遇到了一个问题,即使我声明了它,我也无法使用运算符重载。 我有一个复杂数字的CKomplex类:

typedef double number;
class CKomplex
private: // member variables
number mReal; 
number mImag;

CKomplex(number real = 0);
CKomplex(number real, number imag);
CKomplex(number radius, number phi, bool isRad);

// Operator
void operator+=(CKomplex &rhs);
void operator-=(CKomplex &rhs);
void operator*=(CKomplex &rhs);
void operator/=(CKomplex &rhs);
void operator=(CKomplex &rhs);    // = 

friend CKomplex operator+(CKomplex  &lhs, CKomplex  &rhs); // +
friend CKomplex operator-(CKomplex  &lhs, CKomplex  &rhs);
friend CKomplex operator*(CKomplex  &lhs, CKomplex  &rhs);
friend CKomplex operator/(CKomplex  &lhs, CKomplex  &rhs);

// Get & Setter
number GetReal() { return mReal; }
void SetReal(number real) { mReal = real; }

number GetImag() { return mImag; }
void SetImag(number imag) { mImag = imag; }

// Here is the implementation
void CKomplex::operator=(CKomplex &rhs) {  // no friend
    mReal = rhs.GetReal();
    mImag = rhs.GetImag();

CKomplex operator+(CKomplex  &lhs, CKomplex  &rhs) { // friend
    number real = lhs.GetReal() + rhs.GetReal();
    number imag = lhs.GetImag() + rhs.GetImag();
    return CKomplex(real, imag);


CKomplex z1 = CKomplex(5,3); // works
CKomplex z2 = CKomplex(8,5); // works
CKomplex z3 = z1 + z3;       // works; but why?
z3 = z1;                     // works
z3 = z1 + z2;                // doesnt work line 30
z3 = (z1 + z2);              // doesnt work also


C:\Users\User\Documents\soExample\main.cpp:30: Fehler: no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'CKomplex' and 'CKomplex')
     z3 = z1  + z2;

它是我的第一个C ++程序,我在Windows 7上使用QT 5.6.0作为控制台应用程序。

如果您需要进一步的信息,我也可以给您完整的源代码 为什么第3行在main()中编译但不在第6行编译?运营商的区别在哪里?

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