
时间:2010-11-09 06:39:55

标签: mysql



# Description: Extract Lab data from text file and insert to database

# Modules Required
use DBI;  # check drivers

#print "vs2-001-001-ma-sampleFile\n";

my $filename = "vs2-001-001-ma-sampleFile.txt";   

my $count = 0 ;  #initialize variable $count
my ($paraval, $paraname, $pararange, $paraunit);  #initialise variables for parameters
#chomp($filename=<>);   #uncomment it To use keyboard input. and type filename with extension Ex: fileName.txt or fileName.csv

open (OUT,">>$filename.csv") || die print "No\t $!";
close OUT;

open (IN,"$filename") || die print "Noo Input. $!";
my @file=<IN>;

#join the lines with # dilimits
my $string = join('#', @file);

  $string =~s /[\r]//g; # To remove space. 
 $string =~s /[\n]//g;
 $string =~s /[\t]//g;  # To remove tab

# pattern under while loop will do the work. it will take date as 13 Oct 2010 in $1 and rest values in $2 
# $string=~/Equine Profile Plus\s+#(.*?\s+)\s+.*?(Sample.*)##/g

 while($string=~/Equine Profile Plus\s+#(.*?\s+)\s+.*?(Sample.*?)##/g){

 my $date=$1;

  if ($line=~/Sample Type:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/Patient ID:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/Sample ID:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/Doctor ID:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/Location:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/Rotor Lot Number:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/Serial Number:(.*?)#/gis){
  }if ($line=~/#(NA+.*?GLOB.*?)#/gis){

   $para =~ s/#/;/g;
   $para =~ s/\s\s/ /g;   #remove spaces.
   $para =~ s/\s\s/ /g;   
   $para =~ s/\s\s/ /g;  
   $para =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
   $para =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
   $para =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
   $para =~ s/ /:/g;

  if ($line=~/#QC(.*?) #HEM(.*?) LIP(.*?) ICT(.*?)  /gis){
  while($para =~ /(.*?):(.*?):(.*?);/g){
  $paraname = $1;
  $paraval = $2;
  $pararange = $3;
  #$paraunit = $4;    

  # convert the date into DBMS-FORMAT
  my %map = ( 'Jan' => '01' , 'Feb' => '02',  'Mar' => '03', 'Apr' => '04','May' => '05',
   'Jun' =>'06' ,'Jul'=>'07',
   'Aug'=>'08','Sep'=>'09','Oct'=>'10','Nov'=>'11','Dec'=>'12'  );

  if ( $date =~ m/(..).(...).(....)/ ) {
      my ( $d, $m, $y ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
   $out = sprintf $y, $map{$m}, '%d-%02d-%d', $d;

   die ;
  print "Parsing the input ...\n"; 
  open (OUT,">>$filename.csv") || die print "No"; #data from text file written to a CSV file.
      print OUT "\"$count\",\"$out\",\"$Sample_Type\",\"$Patient_ID\",\"$Sample_Id\",\"$Doctor_Id\",\"$Location\",\"$Rotor\",\"$Serial\",\"$QC\",\"$HEM\",\"$LIP\",\"$ICT\",\"$paraname\",\"$paraval\",\"$pararange\",\n";


 close OUT;

 #Load csv into mysql
 print "\n inserting into database\n"; 
&loaddata('$filename.csv');  # comment it while not loading into the database.
 print "\n Database insert completed \n"; 
 sub clean
my ($line) = shift (@_);
$line =~ s/\n//g;
$line =~ s/\r//g;
$line =~ s/^\s+//g; 
$line =~ s/\s\s//g;
$line =~ s/\s+$//g;
$line =~ s/#//g;
return ($line);

#init the mysql DB
sub init_dbh{


my $dbh   = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host",
                          or die "Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";

       return $dbh;


#Load data to mysql table
sub loaddata{
        my ($name) = @_;
        my $DBH = init_dbh( );
        my $STH_GO = $DBH->prepare(q{
                LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'vs2-001-001-ma-sampleFile.txt.csv' INTO TABLE parameter FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; })or die "ERROR: ".    $DBI::errstr;



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