struct bmp_fileheader
unsigned char fileMarker1; /* 'B' */
unsigned char fileMarker2; /* 'M' */
unsigned int bfSize; /* File's size */
unsigned short unused1; /* Aplication specific */
unsigned short unused2; /* Aplication specific */
unsigned int imageDataOffset; /* Offset to the start of image data */
struct bmp_infoheader
unsigned int biSize; /* Size of the info header - 40 bytes */
signed int width; /* Width of the image */
signed int height; /* Height of the image */
unsigned short planes;
unsigned short bitPix; /* Number of bits per pixel = 3 * 8 (for each channel R, G, B we need 8 bits */
unsigned int biCompression; /* Type of compression */
unsigned int biSizeImage; /* Size of the image data */
int biXPelsPerMeter;
int biYPelsPerMeter;
unsigned int biClrUsed;
unsigned int biClrImportant;
typedef struct pi {
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
struct bmp_image {
struct bmp_fileheader file_header;
struct bmp_infoheader info_header;
Pixel ** pixel;
struct bmp_image image;
因此,图像包含像素的标题和矩阵(height * width
FILE *image_file = fopen("path.bmp", "rb");
这样做的算法是用(B,B,B)改变(X,Y,Z)像素,其中B = (X + Y + Z) / 3;
cmp -lb airplane_black_white.bmp ref/airplane_black_white.bmp
cmp: EOF on airplane_black_white.bmp
答案 0 :(得分:1)
height * width
不是这样。您必须处理扫描线,并且图片由包含像素的扫描线组成。这通常超过你的heigth * width
有关如何处理位图图像,请参阅What is wrong with this code for writing grey-scale bmp from an image RGB bmp pure C - Windows OS。