我在为WHERE子句的查询添加单引号时遇到问题,但有些人建议使用预编译语句进行数据库和简单的SQL查询我可以做到,但我不知道如何这可以在我的情况下完成,其中WHERE依赖于更改数组$ arr。所以,让我展示一些代码:
//The $arr can have different options (depends on user's choice) like below and more:
$arr = ["first_name"=>"a","second_name"=>"","third_name"=>"b"]; //user's input or
$arr = []; //user's input or
$arr = ["first_name"=>"a"]; //user's input or other
$i = array("first"=>"f1","second"=>"f2","third"=>"f3"); //coded
$fName = "first"; //user's input
if (empty($arr)) {
} else {
foreach($arr as $key => $value){
$tmpkey = str_replace("_name", "", $key);
if ($value=="") {
} else {
$newkey = $i[$tmpkey].".name";
$arr[$newkey] = $value;
$where=preg_replace('/^(.*)$/e', ' "$1=\'". $arr["$1"]."\'" ',array_flip($arr));
$where=implode(' AND ' , $where);
$where = "WHERE ".$where;
$sql = "SELECT IFNULL({$i[$fName]}.name,'') AS {$fName}
FROM tab1 p
LEFT JOIN field1 f1
ON p.first > 0 AND f1.id = p.first
LEFT JOIN field2 f2
ON p.second > 0 AND f2.id = p.second
LEFT JOIN field3 f3
ON p.third > 0 AND f3.id = p.third
GROUP BY {$fName}
ORDER BY {$fName}