我想使用车把模板来减少在卑尔根沼泽网站上呈现新闻所需的编码量。 (bergenswamp.org)目前每个新闻项目都是用html编码的。一次显示两个新闻项目,可以使用滑块查看之前的新闻文章。我正在使用unislider(http://unslider.com/)浏览新闻。
当我添加车把模板时,我打破了滑块。以下是我的代码。我在控制台中没有出错。任何人都可以帮我弄清楚出了什么问题吗? 谢谢
var dataObject = {
{day2:28, month2:"February", year2:2016, title2:"Committee Meeting", news2:"Zurich Bog Committee Meeting", day1:16, month1:"February", year1:2016, title1:"Trustee Meeting", news1:"Held at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue 7:30PM - 9:00PM"},
{day2:8, month2:"February", year2:2016, title2:"<a class=\"tab-label\" href=\"http://geneseeorchid.org/geneseeorchid/\">Genessee Region Orchid Society</a>", news2:"President Steve Locke will be speaking at their monthly Meeting", day1:26, month1:"January", year1:2016, title1:"Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Conservation", news1:"Presented by John M. Adamski <br> Hosted by<a href=\"http://www.gvaudubon.org/\" class=\"jqmClose\"> Genesee Valley Audubon Society</a> 7:30PM - 9:00PM"},
{day2:19, month2:"January", year2:2016, title2:"Trustee Meeting", news2:"Held at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue 7:30PM - 9:00PM", day1:1, month1:"January", year1:2016, title1:"New website launched", news1:"The Bergen Swamp Preservation Society is excited to anounce it has a new website."}
}; // -> End of dataObject
var news = $("#news_list").html();
var h = Handlebars.compile(news);
var content = h(dataObject);
var news_results = document.getElementById("news_output");
news_results.innerHTML = content;
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<div id="news_output">
output news here.
<ul id="news_output">
output news here.