使用Select 2下拉可获得超过10000个搜索的大数据

时间:2016-12-20 07:18:07

标签: javascript jquery asp.net-mvc html.dropdownlistfor select2

Hello every one i want to use select 2 drop down which can easily filter  
more than 10000 record butt in the given link  


using script a large function that is not good to use in every page  
is there is any to use this script in a separate file and send list of array  
objects to this method for populating and searching 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


1-制作ASPX Web服务或网页功能,该功能将使用C#/ Vb文件处理从文件中获取这些记录的列表,并以JSON数组返回。

2-使用jQuery $ .ajax方法从ASPX函数或Webservice获取此json数组。

