我有一个txt文件,我需要逐行打破包含两者之间的通配符的匹配字符串。例如,我的第一行需要在ISA上使用通配符进行匹配,然后再次匹配〜这将是这样的:ISA WILDCARD~我想用我之前匹配的整个字符串替换它\ r \ n之后换线。
public static void ReturnFirstLine() //ReplaceAsterik
// where to start your directory walk
var directoryToTraverse = @"\\filepath";
// what files to open
var fileTypeToOpen = "*.820";
// what to look for
var patternToMatch = @"/~";
var regExp = new Regex(patternToMatch);
// the new content
var patternToReplace = "~\r\n";
// get all the files we want and loop through them to replace
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(directoryToTraverse, fileTypeToOpen, SearchOption.AllDirectories))
// open, replace, overwrite
var contents = File.ReadAllText(file);
var newContent = regExp.Replace(contents, patternToReplace);
File.WriteAllText(file, newContent);